Claudia Parvanta, Professor and Concentration Lead: Social Marketing, University of South Florida, Center for Social Marketing, College of Public Health [FL Anthropologist]
Erica Hawvermale, Institute for Veterans and Military Families
Tanya L. Rodriguez, Hormel Foods Corp.
Niel Tashima, LTG Associates, Inc.
Suzette V Chang, Thick Descriptions
Philip Strickland, Metro Analytics
Dina Martinez Tyson, University of South Florida, College of Public Health [FL Anthropologist]
Carylanna Taylor, The Film Sales Company & First Encounter Productions
Sonja Hodgson, LexisNexis
Matt Stoffer, Booz Allen Hamilton
Susan Caolo, Preservation Legacy Inc.
Courtney Johns Rejano, MPH Residency Program Administrator, Department of Plastic Surgery [FL Anthropologist]
Jason Lind Veterans, Administration [FL Anthropologist]
Margeaux Chavez, Veterans Administration
Jacquelyn Heuer, Veterans Administration
National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA)
Section Table
OT Field Sschool, sNAPAshots & Pro Dev
Rachael Hall-Clifford President, NAPA, NAPA Occupational Field School
Eric Gauldin
Resume Review
Dennis Wiedman, See SMA
Ryan Logan, California State University, Stanislaus
Chad Morris, Department of Anthropology, Eastern Carolina University
Robert A. Hahn, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (retired)
Allied Organizations
Global Anthropology Project (GAP)
Jean Schensul (Jay), Institute for Community Research and Exchange
Sarah Strauss, Institute for Community Research and Exchange
Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA)
Carlos Martinez, Society for Medical Anthropology
Dennis Wiedman, Chair. Health Professions Education Special Interest Group of the Society for Medical Anthropology. Emeritus Professor of Anthropology. Florida International University.
Guillermina Gina Nunez, Society for Medical Anthropology, Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists
Stephen Schensul, Society for Medical Anthropology
J. Bryan Page, Society for Medical Anthropology
Council for Museum Anthropology (CMA)
Cara Krmpotich, Council for Museum Anthropology
William Wood, Council for Museum Anthropology
Christina Hodge, Council for Museum Anthropology
Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
Trent Trombley, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
Patrick Beauchesne, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
Ed Liebow, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
Corliss Heath, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
Christine Hegel, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists (WAPA)
Mark Edberg, Washington Association of Professional Anthroologists, George Washington University
Todd G. Pierce, The Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School (I.F.S.)
Archaeological and Cultural Education Consultants (ACE Consultants)
Carol Ellick Executive Director, Archaeological and Cultural Education Consultants
Joe Watkins Senior Consultant, Archaeological and Cultural Education Consultants