Pop Quiz
Name the bone(s)?
What pathology do you notice at the shaft/diaphysis?
(Answers below)

Image Source: Wellcome Images. Wellcome Trust. Human left femur, Tell Fara, Palestine, 100 BCE-200 CE Wellcome L0057387. Wikimedia Commons.
More information below:
“The femur bone is the bone joining the hip and knee joints. This femur shows an unreduced bone fracture. This means that the bones were not correctly realigned, using a splint or by surgical means, and therefore did not heal correctly. These femurs are from the left leg and the right leg of a human, although it is not clear if they are a pair. The bones were excavated at Tell Fara, Palestine, by the British School of Archaeology in Egypt, 1928-1929. The bones were purchased by Henry Wellcome from University College London the following year.”