Catalog description for A-1438, Museum of Natural History, University of Illinois: “Atanane Elo. Male. 25–35 years of age, of Embase tribe. Died October, 1921. Skull removed March, 1924.”
Atanane Elo of ni-Vanuatu
of fan palm, banyan, mango, nembukolit, cocoa trees
of mangroves, monsteras, bamboo, crotons
of freesia, hibiscus, mountain flowers
of clam, conch, cowrie, nautilus, tricus shells
of coconut, coconut, coconut
of swallow, pigeon, kingfisher, dove, honeyeater, white-eye, fantail, mountain starling
of blue-tailed skink, gecko, iguana, snake eels, sea snakes
of humpback, orca, blue, sperm, pilot, melon-headed whales,
of spinner, spotted, striped, Fraser’s, rough-toothed dolphins,
of barracuda, coral trout, sea bass, red snapper, grouper, parrot, flying fish
of leatherback, green, hawksbill turtles
of dugong, dugong, dugong
of yam, taro, kava
of papayas, pineapples, mangoes, plantains, bananas
of Red Emperor, parrotfish, cod, trevally, tuna, shellfish
of boar, game hen, crayfish, lobster
of mountains, volcanoes, waterfalls, rivers, black sand beaches
of azure, turquoise, denim, lapis, sapphire sea
of coral, coral, coral