Visual Anthropology of Japan – 日本映像人類学: Announcement of Conference Presentation:「Intersectionality in Japanese Deaf Communities」

「Intersectionality in Japanese Deaf Communities」

Are Deaf people in Japan simply disabled, or a linguistic minority, or both? Various physical conditions and individual situations combine to determine access to social welfare, attitudes, identities and language use. Not all deaf people are the same. And Japan itself is not as homogeneous as many believe it to be. An estimated 5 percent of Japan’s population belong to minority groups that suffer from societal oppression. What happens when a deaf individual belongs to one or more of these other minorities? Intersectionality, which emerged from Black feminists in the United States, is a framework that acknowledges and explores concurrent identities and ensuing injustices: racism, sexism, gender discrimination, ableism and other inequalities. This presentation, based upon academic theories, the efforts of activists and my own years of fieldwork, will describe diversity and intersectionality found in deaf communities in Japan, specifically Deaf/LGBTQ+, Deaf/Zainichi Korean and Deaf/Blind groups.

SouthWest Conference on Asian Studies
Stephen F. Austin State University
Panel V 4.5: “Community and Memory in East Asia”
Saturday, November 2, 8:45 am – 10:00 am (10:45 pm – 12:00 am in Osaka, Japan)

Conference program here:

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