Visual Anthropology of Japan – 日本映像人類学: Japan Economic Foundation’s Japan SPOTLIGHT (#158) Special Interview: “Intersection Between Language & Culture: Probing Japan’s Deaf/deaf Society”

Japan SPOTLIGHT, November/December 2024 Issue #258 Vo. 43 No. 6


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The Japan Economic Foundation (JEF) was established in July 1981 with authorization from the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) to deepen mutual understanding between Japan and other countries through activities aimed at promoting economic and technological exchanges. With this goal in mind, JEF engages in a broad range of activities; it provides information about Japan and arranges opportunities to exchange ideas among opinion leaders from many countries in such fields as industry, government administration, academia and politics in order to break down the barriers to mutual understanding.


VAoJ is grateful for the JEF interview and the opportunity to bring the Japanese Deaf research to a broader audience.

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