We all hope that when we set up at shows that they are all successful and maybe for each of you they are. But I look at how much I’ve spent just to be there before I’ve made any money and considered it to be a successful show. In the past few years I’ve had some really great shows and not so great shows. Maybe that’s my fault and the type of merchandise I bring or maybe there are just so many factors that I can’t control, like things are now getting more expensive and harder to find among other things, weather, location, etc.
I do believe that not every show may always draw the type of customers that want to buy from me like they do in Warrenton or Fredericksburg Tx. I buy vintage things, furniture and accessories and try not to paint any of it because I love the worn and original paint that the item has. Now occasionally I come across a really great piece of furniture but I also know it won’t sell in the condition it’s in unless it’s painted, but for me this is rare.
When I set out to set up at the Sweet T Vintage Market a few weeks ago, I really didn’t know what to expect since it was my first time. I did go in with the thought that this town might be hard to sell to, from what I had heard from other friends that had tried to sell to customers in this town. Bryan/College Station is a mainly a college town and the customers here seemed to be mainly looking for jewelry, clothes, or painted furniture. None of which I carry.
I had prayed about this show and God had whispered “he would provide my needs.” But when so many things happened like dealing with the weather and rain, then the heat and humidity was bad along with fire ants, the tent leaked and I thought maybe I had somehow missed it. He did however provide customers almost the last hour of the show which made me so thankful and I realized that he never fails us.
Due to these things, this doesn’t discourage me it just makes me thankful for each time I do make a sale and to continue to listen to his still small voice.
I do want to offer suggestions to the owners of this market. First let me say I know it’s a lot of hard work to get a new show going and I know this was only your second show so I hope you’ll listen to each vendor that may offer suggestions. I’m not trying to be critical but this is a business for all of us and we work extremely hard at what we do. We’ve all learned a lot along the way at what works for us and what doesn’t.
1. When you rent a tent, check to make sure it’s from a reputable tent company, that there are not holes in the top so that if it rains it doesn’t leak and ruin your vendors merchandise.
2. Tents can be dark, especially if it’s raining and dark outside. Either provide lights or ask the tent company if they are going to provide lights or ask your vendors to bring lights.
3. If you are going to block off all exits, as was done in this case, keep in mind that vendors need to be able to have easy access to their space not only for possibly unloading more merchandise that morning or to be able to unload heavy merchandise once it’s sells. I understand you want to prevent customers from sneaking in and not paying but there are other ways to prevent this like charging as they pull into the grounds or having someone check for wrist bands.
4. Providing Porters is very helpful to vendors and customers and many shows that have porters have the vendor pay them for their assistance.
5.Check on your vendors during the show, ask them how
it’s going, do they need anything…this goes a long way. Please listen
to your vendors for any suggestions they may offer, we all can learn
from each other in this business.
I do want to thank Tammy F. for checking on us and providing us with water. And also for allowing her husband to help us load heavy merchandise. I wish you both many great shows in the future.
It was a learning experience but I met some really great vendors and customers. Hope to see you at one of my next shows.
Here was my booth at this show:
I’ll be posting later this week about my show in Montgomery Texas. Have a great week.