Friday, January 24, 2025
HomeApartmentArt of Rest Promises a Break from End-of-Year Whirlwind

Art of Rest Promises a Break from End-of-Year Whirlwind

With the end of the year quickly approaching, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle. It’s that time of year after Thanksgiving where time enters a sort of limbo state, no one knows what day it is, and there’s still so much to do. Grabbing last-minute holiday gifts, studying for exams if you’re in school, putting your all into work so you can enjoy the holidays, and the list goes on.

In fact, there’s an actual term for the stress we feel around the holidays: end-of-year burnout. It’s real, and it affects millions in the final weeks of the year. It’s not uncommon for people to completely overextend themselves with social engagements, work responsibilities, and the looming pressure of the holidays and everything that comes along with them.

So, how do you fix the feeling of annual burnout with a holiday twist? You take a break and rest. At least, that’s what the Art of Rest thinks you should do. The Art of Rest is a local mindfulness program that takes place every few months, and it’s centered around creating a space that’s conducive to rest and relaxation.

The Art of Rest combines the talent of one of Columbus’ favorite spas, Replenish Well, along with The Yoga Carriage. The result is a two-hour reset for your preoccupied mind that leaves you feeling grounded, centered, and ready to take on the rest of the year with clear intent.

What to Bring Along

The Art of Rest (and yoga in general) is light exercise, but you will need to bring a few items to get the most out of the workshop. Participants are asked to bring the following:

  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • One or two pillows, depending on personal preference
  • Journal + pencil
  • Water bottle

When to Set Aside Time for The Art of Rest

The Art of Rest utilizes the serene space of the Columbus Museum of Art to deliver powerful rest to folks. If you’re feeling bogged down from end-of-year happenings, take a break for yourself on December 8th from 11am-1pm. Those interested can find a link to register on the museum’s website ahead of the event.



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