Melissa, Jonny and Jake in under 600 square feet, still! An update! — 600sqftandababy

How are the closets shared now that Jake’s clothes and shoes are bigger? Did you need to give up your vanity?

We installed some cabinets in her room. They are quite narrow and work perfectly well will kids hangers, but once she outgrows those, we will have to make some adjustments. I also custom made some narrow shelving for behind her door, I made a very narrow set of shelves for her shoes. It’s so narrow that her shoes go on sideways!

Favourite couch over the years? As your neighbour I know it’s changed.

This is a really hard one. I don’t know if I have found my favourite yet!! Right now we are using Soderhamn from Ikea because the dimensions are perfect for the space and because I can remove the covers and wash them in the machine. Which I have done many, many times.

I was dreaming of The Cloud from Restoration Hardware, but I just couldn’t bring myself to spend that much. The truth is that we eat on our sofa all the time and life happens! Our cat is pretty good with furniture, but I think I would cry if he sunk his claws into such an expensive piece. I’m open to suggestions if anybody knows of a brand that looks amazing, is machine washable and doesn’t cost more than my mortgage.

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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