The Apartment Choice: PARIS FLEA MARKET

If you are planning to travel to Paris, you must go to one of its flea markets. Forget about broken picture frames, faded cushions and chipped glasses: the Marché aux Puces de St-Ouen looks more like a well organized museum… where you can buy everything you see!

Off the main street rue des Rosiers, you can find Marché Malassis (toys, vintage cameras and furniture), Marché Dauphine (furniture, ceramics), Marché Biron (lighting, furniture and objets) and Marché Vernaison (more varied, with fashion, books, prints and kitchenware). 

Marché Paul Bert is owned by the Duke of Westminster and has some beautiful 19th- and 20th-century furniture. Let’s have a look of it first…

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