Top 3 design universities in Barcelona

Design is defined as the previous process of mental configuration, “pre-figuration”, in the search for a solution in any field. It is usually applied in the context of industry, engineering, architecture, communication and other disciplines that require creativity. Design involves various dimensions that go beyond appearance, form and colour, also encompassing the function of an object and its interaction with the user. During the process, the functionality, operability, efficiency and life of the design object must also be taken into account.

“Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation.” A quote by Steve Jobs

If you are thinking of coming to Barcelona to study to enter this creative world, we bring you 3 of the most prestigious university schools in the field of Design.

Escola Superior de Disseny i Arts Plàstiques de Catalunya

The idea of design in the artistic space of the 21st century is a strong point in the complex map of creation that is drawn from the incorporation and impact of new technologies in a post-Fordist society described as the society of knowledge and information.

Aware of this transformation and the challenges it presents, the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya will create the Escola Superior de Disseny i Arts Plàstiques de Catalunya (ESDAP Catalunya) in 2010, within the framework of the European Space for Higher Education (EHEA), where the Higher Degree in Design (equivalent to a university degree) will be taught in its four specialities: Graphics, Interiors, Fashion and Production.

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EINA, University Centre of Design and Art

EINA, University Centre of Design and Art, has a wide experience in the dedication to an open and innovative teaching, related to the international trends of contemporary creation in the field of design and art.

Since its foundation in 1967, its critical spirit, a constant in the trajectory of the center, has led it to a permanent update and, for this reason, different generations of creators have come out of EINA and have actively participated in the configuration and renovation of its cultural environment.

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Elisava is a centre attached to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), one of the most prestigious universities in Barcelona and Europe. We offer university studies in Grau, Màster, Postgrau and specialization courses in the fields of design, engineering and communication.

Elisava has two degrees, the University Degree in Design and the University Degree in Industrial Design Engineering, a wide range of professional Masters and Postgraduate courses, and the University Master’s Degree in Design and Communication, the first official Master’s Degree in Design in Spain. This training is complemented by a variety of specialization courses for professionals.

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