Analysis of Apple Unified Logs [Entry 12] – Quick & Easy Unified Log Collection from iOS Devices for Testing —

Collection of Unified Logs on macOS systems is pretty straight forward. You can use the command, and yes – you do have to be root.

sudo log collect 

Collection from iOS device is not as obvious. I think most of us are doing the sysdiagnose/AirDrop method which is tricky. Trying to trigger a sysdiagnose on an iOS device can be frustrating to get the right button hits with the right timing. (Not completely unlike trying to get a device in DFU mode!)

In my recent testing, I noticed the argument–device-udid in ‘log’ man page. This functionality seems to have made an appearance in 10.15. The following also appeared

  • –device-name – The device name, ie: “Elwood’s iPhone”

  • –device – “First device found”. I guess I would consider this the #YOLO option. 🤷🏻‍♀️

This argument has been super handy in recent testing to bypass the frustration of sysdiagnose on iOS devices. I like using the UDID instead of the name, so I will use idevice_id from libimobiledevice to quickly get that.

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