Literally yesterday I was using Google Calendar and was frustrated at the lack of functionality for organizers to manage RSVPs. When I saw this announced, I was excited. Less than halfway through my first use, I wished I was back on Google – and that was before I found out that Apple’s solution has the same limitation I dealt with yesterday on Google.
This app works ok for a very small group. Once more than 5 people are invited, the app gets buggy and crashes. (iPhone 14 Pro Running iOS 18.3)
1) In order to add more personal invitations, I have to close the app, wait, reopen app, reopen invitation, tap add guests, pick guest, send invite, and the app crashes as soon as it’s sent.
2) Contacts are arranged alphabetically by first name, not by system default.
3) No method to pick a bunch of people on a list and send personal invites at once. The process to do so is tedious.
The app is pretty, but it’s not functional enough to be out of alpha, much less beta. 2 stars. Just use a calendar invite or a third party that actually works.