This New Feature of Tiktok Allows you to Search Songs by Singing them

You must be aware of an Apple-affiliated app called Shazam that allows you to search the name of song that is playing nearby. But Tiktok wants to upgrade the experience by unveiling a shazam type feature which allows the users to search songs by humming or singing them.

This New Feature of Tiktok Allows you to Search Songs by Singing them

A new feature called “sound search” has been developed by the company and it enables you to search a song by humming it, singing it, or merely playing it. As Tiktok is a video-based platform, the app will display famous videos along the recognized song as well.

Notably, while Tiktok reported TechCrunch that the function was established particularly to search songs, it looks like it could also discover some trending memes and sounds.

“However, in our testing we found that the tool was able to detect TikTok sounds/memes like the popular “Oh my gosh, she’s bald. She’s bald, and she’s torturing people who have hair!” sound lifted from an episode of “Totally Spies” and the “Nobody’s gonna know” sound created by a TikTok user”

You can access the feature by touching the microphone icon in the search bar of Tiktok app. Disappointingly, it is said by the company that sound search feature is just accessible to a limited number of users as of now. There is no information regarding the zones where Tiktok users have already obtained sound search.

Though the shazam app by Apple cannot detect hummed songs, a previous year’s update launched the capability to recognize songs playing in the apps including Tiktok, Instagram and youtube.

The Tiktok app is freely available in App Store and needs an iPad or iPhone operating on iOS 12 or newer. Must ensure that you have the newest version of the app downloaded to gain access to the latest features.

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