Full Circle 09-06-2024; Palestine, Local Events & Electronic Intifada – First Voice Apprenticeship

This week on Full Circle, as the attempted genocide on Palestinians continues in Gaza and the West Bank we check in on a couple of local events. On tonight’s show, we speak with Fatinah, an organizer with Unmute Humanity. She’ll speak about an upcoming webcast series, Voices Of Palestine and the upcoming 7th episode focusing on Muhammad Bhar the young Palestinian man with autism that was mauled to death by an Israeli military attack dog. We’ll also learn about the upcoming Picnic for Palestine, happening Sunday in Moraga. And to close the show, we hear the weekly news round up from this week’s Electronic Intifada


See the Youtube video of Muhammad Bhar’s mother recounting the tragic day he was killed The Tragic Story of Muhammed Bhar

Read the Mondoweiss article Western Media Can Be Held Legally Accountable For It’s Role in The Gaza Genocide 

Learn more about the “Voices of Palestine” webcast series on their Youtube Channel


Follow The Global Summit on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/cocreatetheglobalsummit

And on Instagram @theglobalsummit  

Follow Unmute Humanity on Instagram @unmutehumanity

To learn more about the Picnic for Palestine, follow the event link: https://facts4palestine.my.canva.site/picnic4palestine

Mutual aid effort we will be talking about on Sunday is Project Hope Palestine: https://www.instagram.com/projecthopepalestine/

Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center website with this event and others: https://ourpeacecenter.org/Checkout videos from First Voice Media on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/firstvoicemedia/videos

Follow alternative media Reporters/News for a more diverse look at what’s happening in Palestine.


Motaz Azaiza, @motaz_azaiza

Plestia Alaqad, @byplestia

Eye on Palestine @eye.on.palestine

Middle East Eye @middleeasteye

Al Jazeera, https://www.aljazeera.com/

Democracy Now, https://www.democracynow.org/

Mondoweiss, https://mondoweiss.net/

Breakthrough News, https://www.youtube.com/@BreakThroughNews

The Intercept, https://theintercept.com/

The Electronic Intifada https://electronicintifada.net

Common Dreams  https://www.commondreams.org

Zeteo https://zeteo.com

Hammer & Hope Https://hammerandhope.org

Media Against Apartheid & Displacement (MAAD) https://themaad.org

AJ + https://global.ajplus.net/english/home

NewsCord https://newscord.org

Owen Jones https://youtube.com/@OwenJonesTalks?si=vuM0_o0McPwwoDgU

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights https://www.ohchr.org

+972 https://www.972mag.com

ProPublica https://www.propublica.org

Consortium News https://consortiumnews.comChris Hedges https://chrishedges.substack.com

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