Friday, January 24, 2025
HomeAquariumHow to setup biological filtration in fish tank or pond

How to setup biological filtration in fish tank or pond

Biological filtration is extremely important for a fish tank or pond. Without an efficient biological filter, your fish are prone to diseases. The reason behind the death of the fish is mostly inefficient biological filtration in your fish tank or pond. Fish produce wastes that release ammonia. In addition, leftover food, dead leaves of plants, & other detritus release ammonia. Ammonia is highly dangerous to fish even if it is not in mass amounts. Therefore, it is recommended to remove ammonia quickly from the fish tank before it builds up. It is recommended to cycle your aquarium before introducing fish to the aquarium. Cycling aquariums will add heaps of useful bacteria that are vital for breaking down ammonia into nitrites & nitrates. Nitrates are the product of the nitrogen cycle, & they are less dangerous than nitrites & ammonia. However, the presence of heaps of nitrates is still toxic to fish. In this article, we will help you in setting up biological filtration in an aquarium or pond, & how useful bacteria develops & consume ammonia & nitrites.

How to setup mechanical & biological filtration?

How to setup mechanical & biological filtration?

Order of Filtration Media:

The physical detritus will rot & release ammonia if not collected on time. Therefore, a foam or sponge should be setup in the filter that would collect waste particles. It is important to setup mechanical filtration media before setting up biological filtration in an aquarium or a pond. Water free of waste particles will still have ammonia, & it will enter biological filtration media. Bio media is a place where heaps of nitrifying & denitrifying bacteria grow. Nitrifying bacteria are responsible for consuming ammonia & nitrites while denitrifying bacteria consume nitrates.


Types of Bio Filter Media:

Multiple types of bio filter media are available. They mainly include ceramic rings, & bio bakki balls.

Ceramic rings are used for the removal of ammonia, nitrites & nitrates. The outer surface of the ring consists of many small pores. A large hole goes through the centre of the ring that allows water to flow through its center. Heaps of denitrifying bacteria live inside the pores where air cannot enter. The bacteria living in the pores are known as anaerobic bacteria. Heaps of nitrifying bacteria grow over the surface of the ring. The bacteria that spread on the surface are called aerobic bacteria. Another name for aerobic bacteria is useful bacteria. The outer surface of the ring consumes oxygen & creates anoxic conditions in the interior surface of the ceramic ring. Anaerobic bacteria live where oxygen is not available. The bacteria will break down nitrates into nitrogen gas that will escape.

Bio Bakki balls are responsible for consuming ammonia & nitrites. It only hosts nitrifying bacteria on its surface.


Where useful bacteria grow in aquariums or ponds?

Useful bacteria can survive anywhere in your aquarium. It grows in regions that meet their requirements. It develops in regions that consist of oxygen & nutrition. A filter offers the top place for the growth of useful bacteria as it draws food & oxygen towards itself. Useful bacteria grow on the surface that consists of nutrition & oxygen. Bio media only offers surface for the growth of useful bacteria.



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