Intensive R&D and Transparency
In 2022 Hydrospace went on an exhibition to French Polynesia where they collected sediment from a real reef. Since then Kenneth the owner of Hydrospace has been hard at work cultivating the microbes found on that sand. After a few years of curation a stable microbial community has emerged from the samples. Instead of a monoculture (one species) a functional guild or polyculture (multiple species living together in symbiosis) has emerged.

Collection site in French Polynesia
The polyculture consist of the following species per Hydrospace (confirmed with DNA sequencing)
“Rhodovolum sp. (purple nonsulfur bacteria), Marichromatium purpuratum (purple sulfur bacteria) and Prosthecochloris sp. (green sulfur bacteria). Roseospira sp. (purple nonsulfur bacteria) makes a smaller, but nevertheless significant, appearance as well. At maturity, these cultures present as a golden green suspension (primarily Rhodovolum and Prosthecochloris).”

The initial culture
Product Function
This polyculture is what goes into a bottle of Hydrospace Deep Cycle. Per Hydrospace the species have the following functions and benefits in marine aquaria:
- “Rhodovolum sp. improves water quality through the consumption of dissolved organic matter (1), whereafter it becomes a nutritious live food due in part to its probiotic properties (2, 3, 4) and relatively high content of fatty acids (5, 6, 7, 8).
- Marichromatium purpuratum improves water quality by consuming dissolved organic matter, reducing nitrate and sulfide concentrations (9, 10, 11) and providing probiotic benefits (12).
- Prosthecochloris sp. plays important roles in nitrogen and sulfur cycling (13, 14, 15, 16) and likely forms a symbiotic relationship with stony corals as an endolithic diazotroph (17, 18).”

Image of the Aquabiomics data
Adding these species to an aquarium likely assists with nutrient cycling in the substrate and in the corals themselves since Prosthecochloris are capable of forming symbiotic relationships with corals and colonizing their skeletons. Overall, these species likely benefit the microbial balance of a system and are representative of species not found in any other product on the market.
How Do I Use It?
Below are instructions of use from Hydrospace
“PNS Deep Cycle™ contains several obligately anaerobic species; therefore, protecting the cultures from oxygen exposure may promote successful colonization of the substrate. One simple means of carrying out an oxygen-free transfer is by injection. Any syringe with a long needle or tube is suitable for this purpose. Slowly inject the pre-measured dose as deeply, and across as many injection sites, as possible into the substrate.
Similarly, direct transfer to dry rock and porous biomedia can promote colonization of these bacteria. This is accomplished simply by soaking the material in the product under anaerobic conditions (i.e., no aeration). Place the rock/media in a clean, sealed container that is just large enough to contain the material. Add to the container a sufficient volume of PNS Deep Cycle™ to thoroughly soak the material. Add a sufficient volume of clean saltwater to displace any remaining air to the rim of the container. Place lid on the container and allow material to condition for 24 hours. After the conditioning period, the material may be added (along with the water in the container) to the tank, filter system, etc.
Store at room temperature. Treats 400 gallons. Disperse 1.25 mL/gal broadly into an area of moderate flow; may also be injected or soaked into substrate or biomedia for maximal efficacy (scan QR code to review instructions for special applications); multiple doses can be safely applied and may increase likelihood of permanent colonization. For optimal results, cut protein skimmer, UV sterilizer and ozone generator for one hour following each dose.”
Aquarium Supply and Distribution is a distributor of Hydrospace products – if you are interested in this product please reach out to them or have your LFS do so on your behalf.
For more information on this product view our video where we tour Ken’s facility and interview him on the new product here
You can also check out a more in depth explanation of these species roles here