Quick Answer: Betta fish are carnivorous and their diet should consist mainly of protein-rich foods. The top three foods for betta fish are high-quality pellets or flakes specifically designed for bettas, frozen or live brine shrimp, and freeze-dried bloodworms. It is important to not overfeed them and to provide a balanced diet.
So your new Betta buddy won’t eat a thing; now what?
You could try using betta pellets, but they’re too big, and your Betta keeps spitting them out?
What can I feed my betta fish? You scream out!!
No worries, we can help.
We decided to take a closer look at some of the best food for betta fish available to find the best brands out there. Of the many brands we’ve seen, these are the best betta food to buy in 2021:
- Best Betta Food Overall: Fluval Bug Bites
- Best Betta Pellets: Tetra Betta Floating Mini Pellets
- Best Betta Fish Flakes: Omega One Betta Flakes
- Best Freeze-Dried Betta Food: Tetra BloodWorms
In the post below, I will go over all the different types of food that a Betta Fish typically enjoys and which ones are the best.
I’ll provide you with some tips to get your betta eating if they have stopped, along with a step-by-step betta feeding schedule you can start using today.
Let’s begin…
What Do Betta Fish Eat?
Betta fish are carnivorous fish that, in the wild, eat live insects, small bugs, and larvae. They require a high protein diet and proper nutrients.
What do they eat in captivity?
In your aquarium, ensure the flakes, pellets, frozen or live bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp are high in the protein meaty nutrients your Betta Fish needs to stay healthy.
If you really want to know what the betta fish diet is, let’s start by learning what they eat in the wild.
What do they eat in the wild?
Betta fish are carnivorous fish who eat live insects, small bugs, and larvae. They require a high protein diet and proper nutrients.
While a Betta fish may live for a while on a diet of only plant material, it won’t provide the full nutrients they need to survive.
What Is Betta Fish Food Made Of?
It really depends on the fish food brand you are using as they all have their own mix. What you should really understand is that Betta’s diet should be protein-rich and meaty.
So when you select your Betta food, ensure the pellets, frozen or live bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp are high in the nutrients your Betta Fish needs.
Best Betta Fish Food
The best types of Bettas are live foods like brine shrimp, worms, and mosquito larvae. Frozen/Freeze-dried food and pellets are also great as long as they are high in protein.
As mentioned, tropical fish food flakes alone will not provide the nutrients they need.
I hope you find the recommendations in this guide helpful. They are in general and from my personal experiences and research. There will always be exceptions and variations depending on you and your Betta.
Betta Fish Pellets
There are two types of pellets available for Betta fish;
1. Floating Pellets are probably the most typical Betta food used and considered a staple, meaning this is what your main food source will be.
There are lots of pellet sizes and brands available, so selecting a high-quality Betta pellet is important. Always read the ingredients and choose a Betta pellet that is high in protein.
A good guideline is that it should use some fish meal and have a crude protein of over 32%.
2. Sinking Pellets can also be used as a staple for your Betta; in the wild, Betta fish typically eat the surface of the water, so sinking pellets don’t mimic this instinct.
However, as mentioned above, your Betta may be unique.
How many pellets to feed a Betta?
For a normal-sized Betta fish, you should feed him approx. 1-3 pellets per day, either all at once or separately. Keep a close eye on him during feedings and feed one pellet at a time to make sure your Betta completely consumes each pellet.
Never over-feed and remove any uneaten food after feeding.
Here are a few great pellet options.
Betta Fish Flakes
Betta Flakes are another staple, but very hard to control how much you are feeding. Flakes also sink fast and are very hard to remove if uneaten.
This is considered a staple food.
Here are a few great flake options.
Can Betta fish eat tropical fish food flakes?
Betta fish are tropical, so tropical fish food flakes are alright to use. However, as mentioned above, Betta fish are carnivorous and need protein-rich meaty food specifically for Bettas.
Tropical fish flakes are plant-based and don’t contain the nutrients and proteins found in meat.
Tropical fish food flakes won’t hurt your betta fish but could cause bloating or swimbladder disease if that’s all you feed them.
Freeze-Dried Betta Food
Freeze Dried (shrimp, krill, bloodworms, daphnia) should be used for treats; they have low nutritional value and can be used to replace one or two meals a week but never as a staple food.
Live & Frozen Betta Food
There are many live and frozen foods available for Betta fish. We’ve provided a few examples of the most popular options below.
Mosquito Larvae: This is a high protein treat that provides your Betta with all the nutrients they need. Just drop the mosquito larvae into your tank and watch your Betta’s go crazy. Try to add only a small amount each time and ensure it’s finished before adding more.
Brine Shrimp: are a small species of aquatic crustaceans that naturally contain high protein levels for your carnivorous, Betta.
Bloodworms: Most betta fish LOVE bloodworms. You can buy them frozen in little cubes, which have hundreds of little worms or freeze-dried.
How many bloodworms to feed a Betta?
DO NOT drop a whole cube into the tank; instead of cutting the cube into smaller pieces or break off a chunk, place it in a cup with some water from your tank. When you can get 1-2 worms out, use this at feeding time any more than this will be overfeeding.
Once you’ve melted some of the bloodworms, do not re-freeze them, you should throw out any unused worms. You can refrigerate them for a day or two; however, if they smell or change color, toss them.
Wingless Fruit Flies: These are a type of fly that doesn’t have any wings. It’s different from flightless flies, which do have wings; they can’t fly. These treats are the perfect food for small fish like your Betta.
Mysis Shrimp: These are great for even the pickiest eaters, like Betta fish. They are very high in fatty acid and Omega-3 nutrients. Most come from glacial lakes in Canada and free of fillers or binding agents, making them excellent Betta food.
Here are a few great Live, Frozen, and Freeze-Dried options.
Baby Betta Food Options
Baby Betta fish need to eat a lot, but you can’t just feed them pellets. First off, most pellets will be too large for the small fry to consume.
Second, while your tiny Betta friends are growing, they require a significant amount of protein that you can provide by feeding them things live.
- Tubifex Worms
- Daphnia
- Grindal worms
- White worms
- Blackworms
- Mosquito larvae
Step-By-Step Betta Fish Feeding Schedule
NEVER follow the feeding guidelines shown on the packages of Betta food. Most of the time, they call for more food than your Betta requires.
Do Not Overfeed! Betta fish will continue to eat if it’s available. Overfeeding can lead to bloating, which could cause swim bladder disorders. Even if they beg you and do a happy “Feed Me” dance, stay strong, and not give in.
Overfeeding is one of the most common reasons why your Betta might not be as active as he once was. Read our article about Why Your Betta Fish Is Not Moving to find out more.
All Betta fish eat differently. Most Betta fish are picky eaters. A new Betta can take up to 30 days or more to accept a new food.
There is no special food that all Betta fish will eat; it just takes time, trial, and error to find out what your Betta will and will not eat.
Mix it up, Betta fish like variety and actually require the nutritional value of eating various food to stay healthy. You wouldn’t eat the same thing every day, so don’t force them too.
Keep the tank clean and remove all uneaten food. Give your Betta approx. 10-15 min to eat everything. Uneaten food can slowly rot and create toxins in the water that are harmful to your Betta.
Follow these steps to feeding your Betta Fish, and they will thrive!
Step 1) When should you feed your Betta?
Choose A Time That Fits Into Your Daily Routine: Evaluate your daily routine; look for a time where you can give your Betta your attention for approximately 5-10 minutes. This should give you enough time to ensure your Betta is healthy and eating.
You will want to ensure that your Betta is eating all the food and removing anything left over.
Watch your Betta for signals. If your Betta is still sleeping when you wake early morning, don’t wake them just for food. Please wait until you have been up for a few minutes, take time to view how your Betta is adjusting to your routine, and work the feeding in when it’s best.
Choose one day a week to fast. Usually, I use Sunday, but any day will do. Fasting allows the Betta to clear its digestive system and help with bloating and constipation.
Step 2) What should I feed my betta fish daily?
The most common is twice per day; however, once a day is also okay. Just be sure not to feed them more because you think they are hungry for the rest of the day.
Some people will feed up to three times a day. I would not recommend this. However, if you feel that your betta fish is unique and it’s what they need, be sure to spread out the feedings (Very early, noon, very late)
Step 3) How much to feed a betta fish flakes & how often should you feed a betta fish bloodworms
Based on what you decide on steps 1 & 2, your Betta will determine how much it will eat at each feeding. Remember, the size of your Betta’s stomach is only about the size of its eye.
It’s also a good idea to keep track of what, when, and how much your Betta is eating at each feeding. This will help create a schedule that you can follow and organize as it can get confusing with all the different foods and treats your Betta will be eating.
If you feed only 1 time/day, Only feed about 4 pellets at each feeding, never more if you are using bloodworms 3-4 depending on the size.
If You feed 2 times/day, Only feed about 2-3 pellets at each feeding, never more. If you’re using bloodworms, 1-2 depending on the size.
Those who chose 3 times/day, Never feed more than 2 pellets at each feeding or 1 bloodworm. Each meal should be small, as you are feeding more frequently.
Step 4) Choose What To Feed Your Betta
Using the foods above, decide what foods will be a staple, and what will be treats.
Always start with your staple food before using treats. Some Betta will start rejecting the pellets and wait for the treats if you start with treats. To prevent this from happening, use your staple for 2-3 weeks before introducing a treat.
Once your Betta has been eating the staple food, slowly bring in other types of staple foods. Only do this one food when some betta fish are picky and can take up to 30 days to accept a new food.
If your Betta starts to accept the staple foods, start introducing treats the same way. Treats can be used as a replacement for one staple meal a week or as a combination with a staple (half treat, half staple)
Concerns Feeding Betta Fish
What Can You Feed Your Betta Fish If You’re Out Of Food?
Peas are great if you notice your fish is bloated or constipated. Basically, a boiled pea does what fiber does for me, and you, a pea once a week with a day of fasting, can help keep your betta fish regular.
Some Betta keepers don’t feel peas are a healthy option for your Betta and recommend using bloodworms with fasting to cure bloating/constipation.
How to make betta fish food?
There are plenty of recipes out there for homemade Betta food, but here is a quick recipe from Cuteness
Powdered Spirulina Recipe
- Pour approximately 3 ounces of tank water into a small cup,
- Add one teaspoon of powdered spirulina to the water.
- Stir the mixture thoroughly until the powder has dissolved and evenly filled the water.
- Add 3/4 tablespoon of fry fish bites,
- 1/2 teaspoon of finely ground flakes
- 1/2 teaspoon of ground bloodworm.
What To Do If Your Betta Spits Out Food?
This is a common problem for many Betta owners.
Most of the time, the pieces are just too big. Many fish spit out their food & break off little pieces before they spit it back out.
Try breaking the pellets and/or food up before placing it in the tank. If you’re using frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms, you may want to place them in a small cup with some tank water; this will soften the worms, sometimes it’s a texture thing.
My Betta Fish Won’t Eat Anything?
If you recently brought your Betta home, it is very normal for a Betta to not eat during the first week while adjusting to his new home.
Another thing to consider is constipation. It is widespread for Betta fish to get constipated from overeating. One day of fasting is recommended in most Betta feeding schedules.
Also, try feeding your Betta the inside of a pea, which also helps keep Betta fish regular.
If your Betta shows signs of bloating or constipation, thaw a frozen pea, De~shell it, and dice it up. Betta’s see it as a treat and usually accept it.
Sometimes other factors can contribute, such as tank size, water quality, and hiding places. If all these are in place and your betta is still not eating, it could be ill.
How Long Can A Betta Fish Live Without Food?
If you’re planning a vacation anytime soon, you may want to know exactly how long your Betta can go without food. I’m sure it varies, and there are cases where Betta fish can survive for up to 14 days without food.
This is, of course, cruel, and I would never recommend doing this.
Instead, take a few steps to ensure your Betta fish will be taken care of. If you’re going away for longer than two days, invest in an automatic feeder or have friends/family look after your little guy. Your Betta shouldn’t be left alone for much longer than that.
Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are captivating aquatic creatures renowned for their vibrant colors and unique personalities. To ensure the well-being of these beautiful fish in your home aquarium, a varied diet is of paramount importance. In this guide, we’ll explore the diverse array of foods that betta fish can consume, shedding light on their dietary needs and addressing common questions that many fish enthusiasts have.
A Varied Diet for Betta Fish
Importance of Variety
A wide variety of food is the most important thing when considering what to feed your betta fish. In their natural habitat, bettas have access to different food sources, making a varied diet essential for their health and vitality.
Natural Diet
Understanding what bettas eat in their natural habitat provides valuable insights into their dietary requirements. In the wild, bettas feast on small insects, insect larvae, and other live food sources, which form the cornerstone of their diet. This natural diet highlights the significance of replicating such variety in a home aquarium.
High-Quality Commercial Diet
Feeding your betta a high-quality commercial diet is an excellent way to provide essential nutrients. Commercial foods are designed to meet their specific nutritional needs, promoting good health and vibrant colors. Look for reputable brands and products that offer balanced nutrition.
Omega One Betta Buffet Flakes
Omega One Betta Buffet Flakes stand out as a good addition to your betta’s diet. These flakes are formulated to provide essential amino acids and fatty acids, contributing to the overall well-being of your fish.
Types of Food for Betta Fish
Protein-Rich Diet
A high-protein diet is of utmost importance for betta fish. Protein supports their growth, vibrant colors, and overall vitality. Ensuring that your betta receives enough protein is key to maintaining their health.
Live Food Options
Offering live food such as small insects and insect larvae provides bettas with a natural and protein-rich choice. This mirrors their diet in the wild and can be an occasional treat for your fish.
Freeze-Dried Foods
Freeze-dried shrimps are a convenient and nutritious food option for bettas. These foods retain much of their nutritional value and are a suitable alternative to live food.
Human Food as an Occasional Treat
Occasionally, you can offer human foods like sweet corn as a treat to your betta fish. However, this should be done sparingly and in small pieces to avoid digestive issues.
Feeding Betta Fish in a Home Aquarium
Feeding Frequency
Determining how often and how much food to provide to adult bettas can be critical. Betta fish have small stomachs, so it’s best to feed them in small portions multiple times a day. Monitor their appetite and adjust accordingly.
Dry Food vs. Live Food
Choosing between dry food and live food depends on your preferences and your betta’s dietary needs. Both options can be suitable, but it’s essential to maintain variety in their diet.
Feeding Techniques
Practicing best feeding techniques helps ensure your betta fish get the nutrition they need. Avoid overfeeding, as excess food can lead to water quality issues. Feed slowly to prevent any uneaten food from sinking to the bottom of the tank.
Plant Roots as Natural Food Sources
In their natural environment, bettas often nibble on plant roots for additional sustenance. While this behavior may not be replicated in a home aquarium, it underscores the importance of a balanced diet.
Maintaining Good Health
Amino Acids and Fatty Acids
Betta fish food should contain essential amino acids and fatty acids. These nutrients support their growth, coloration, and overall vitality. High-quality commercial foods typically provide these essential components.
Water Quality
Maintaining proper water temperature and aquarium water quality is crucial to your betta’s appetite and health. Betta fish thrive in clean, well-maintained tanks with stable water conditions.
Excess Food Concerns
To ensure your betta’s health, it’s essential to remove any excess food that remains uneaten in the tank. Excess food can decompose, leading to water quality problems and potential harm to your fish.
Long-Term Health
Establishing good feeding habits is vital for the long-term health of your betta fish. Providing a balanced diet and maintaining optimal water conditions will help ensure they lead a healthy life.
Addressing Common Questions
What Can You Feed Your Betta Fish If You’re Out Of Food?
In emergencies, you can consider alternative emergency feeding alternatives for your hungry betta. Options like freeze-dried foods or live food sources can temporarily sustain your fish.
What To Do If Your Betta Spits Out Food?
If your betta spits out food, try different solutions for finicky eaters. Experiment with various food options to find their favorite, and ensure the food is appropriately sized.
My Betta Fish Won’t Eat Anything?
Troubleshooting feeding problems in betta fish can be challenging, but patience is key. Assess water quality, try different food types, and consult with experts if necessary.
How Long Can A Betta Fish Live Without Food?
Betta fish can survive for a long time without food, thanks to their natural ability to conserve energy. However, it’s essential to resume feeding them promptly for their well-being.
Where To Buy Betta Fish Food
When looking for the best type of food for your pet betta fish, consider visiting local pet stores or local fish stores. They often stock a wide variety of high-quality commercial foods suitable for your fish’s dietary needs.
By understanding the diverse food options available and implementing proper feeding practices, you can ensure your betta fish enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life in your home aquarium.
Where To Buy Betta Fish Food?
You can buy food for your Betta pretty much anywhere. Here are a few places I recommend;
- You can buy your Betta food on Amazon.
- Chewy.com has an auto-ship option that will ship your Betta food automatically every few months.
- Or, support your local pet store near you.
Take care.