After the holidays, you probably have a pile of gifts from family and friends that are left to sort through. While you can be thankful for the thoughtfulness, the gift itself might be something you already have, isn’t your taste, or is the wrong size. The situation can be trickier if you don’t have a gift receipt and aren’t comfortable asking for one. So, what are your options for unwanted gifts? Here we’ll discuss some solutions.
1. Return It

Did you know that 17% of all holiday purchases will be returned this year? That’s an estimated $860 billion. Not only is this a huge problem for retailers, but a major inconvenience for shoppers too. No one wants to stand in those long lines in stores or at the post office.
Some stores will allow you to return an item without a receipt if you give them your license. Usually, you’ll receive store credit for the current selling price. Return windows are usually extended for the holiday season depending on the store.
2. Sell The Item
There are several options to sell your unwanted gifts. Marketplaces like Poshmark, eBay, and Mercari are easy to list on. You can also send in your items to places like The Real Real, for luxury items, Thredup, or Trashie. These resale sites usually send you a pre-paid label to send in your items along with a clear-out bag. Of course, each company takes a percentage of your sales.
3. Donate It

Sometimes it’s not even about receiving money for the item or exchanging it. Sometimes you just want the clutter of unwanted presents out of the house. As we prepare for tax season, donating your unwanted gifts is a good idea and can benefit someone else in need. Some organizations like the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, and Goodwill offer free pickup in select areas.
4. Regift It
While some people consider this a faux pas, re-gifting an item to someone who would enjoy it more is the perfect solution. It’s not cheap, it’s just creative. Regifting is also much more sustainable and keeps unwanted items out of landfills. There are some etiquette rules to follow though if you choose to regift.
5. Recycle It
Maybe your new sweater from Grandma isn’t something you would wear but you can repurpose it. If you’re handy with a sewing kit, maybe you make alterations yourself or transform it into something entirely different like a pillow cover or quilt. With a little imagination, your unwanted gifts can become something completely unique and transformed.
6. Initiate New Traditions Next Year
If you’re struggling with unwanted gifts, maybe it’s time for you and your family or friends to start new traditions. My family this year did a Secret Santa where we each had one family member to buy for. The spending limit we set helped us all save money too. We each submitted a wish list of things we might need and then your Secret Santa bought presents for you. This was a great way to cut down on unwanted gifts and save us all some time.
Managing Unwanted Gifts
Sometimes we overgive just to say that we bought someone a present. While the sentiment is there, it often leads to overconsumption, holiday debt, and unwanted gifts. Get creative with repurposing unwanted gifts, and make a plan to avoid the situation next holiday season.
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