Income Report – December, 2022

Hey there WalletSquirrel readers! As we have focused more on our affiliate website, we recognize that we haven’t given this site as much love as we’d like.

I’m not saying that we’re 100% back at it, but I am making a better effort to update our Income Reports and give more updates. Luckily we’ve seen our affiliate website do better and better, so hopefully, we’ll have some extra money to pay for services to promote our sites and save some time on our end.

I’ll be the first to say that running websites are TOUGH. So freaking tough, but for some reason, I’m not giving up. We’ll continue to push and we’ll be the one blogger online not saying how easy it was to make $900 million in my first month of blogging, lol.

I hope you all had a great December and Happy New Year!

2022 December - Wallet Squirrel Income Report

PS. We’re workshopping some Canva images to mainstream our Income Reports in the future. I promise they’ll get better, but wanted to get something out.


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