The 2 Minute Foundation and Boshers Holiday Home Insurance

Last Updated on January 10, 2025 by admin

Did you know that Boshers Insurance do more than provide high-quality insurance for Holiday Home owners? We also support The 2 Minute Foundation, a charity whose vision is to clean up the planet, 2 minutes at a time. So, if you have ever despaired at the state of many of our beaches, there is hope!


How it Started

The 2 Minute Foundation has been up and running for over a decade. It started with Martin Dorey putting a post out on Twitter saying he was going to do a 2-minute beach clean and who was in? The result was it became a massive social media movement, with hundreds of thousands of people posting their 2-minute beach cleans on The Two Minute Foundation’s social media channels!


What is the Problem?

If people and corporations do not change their behaviour, scientists calculate by 2050 between 850-950 million tonnes of plastic will be in our oceans. That is the equivalent of 5 million Antarctic blue whales (the heaviest animal in the world).1

The increasing amount of plastic pollution has caused over 78% of marine mammals being at risk of accidental deaths. An example of this is marine mammals getting caught in fishing nets, which kills over 1,000,000 sea animals every year. In the UK alone, 700,000 plastic water bottles are littered every day, and these statistics are only the tip of the iceberg.2


What is the Solution?

If everyone in the UK was to pick up at least two pieces of litter, over 136 million pieces of litter would be removed from our coastlines, which is the basis for The 2 Minute Foundation’s mission and vision to clean up the planet, 2 minutes at a time.3



How the 2 Minute Foundation Makes a Difference

The 2 Minute Foundation is a charity that enables people to pick up litter. Wherever there’s a station, someone can use the equipment free of charge to collect plastics and other types of litter. People can borrow litter pickers and bags from stations in various locations, collect and tag the bags, recycle what they can, bin the rest, and return the pickers and bags.

Mobilising communities all around the UK; they started off with one or two litter picking stations and now have over 1,000 in the UK and Ireland.4 You can be out walking your dog, on a beach excursion for the day, or be more adventurous and take the litter picker out on a paddle board and collect from the sea. The Two Minute Foundation encourages people from all walks of life and in any location to be better stewards of the planet.


How Does Boshers Insurance Help?

As part of a collective of businesses which support The 2 Minute Foundation, Boshers are really proud to be part of the Foundation’s journey in cleaning up the planet.

We have been working alongside The 2 Minute Foundation since 2022, and are part of a host of companies supporting the Foundation’s work, including:

  • The National Lottery
  • Channel 4
  • Volkswagen
  • Dryrobe
  • LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

… and of course – Boshers Insurance.


It’s no one’s responsibility to pick litter up, which makes it everyone’s responsibility. That’s why the Boshers team are going to do a beach clean up in the very near future (follow us on Linked In, Facebook and Instagram to keep tabs on the Boshers Big Beach Clean!), and support The 2 Minute Foundation in every way we can.


If you’d like to get involved with cleaning up our planet – 2 minutes at a time – contact The 2 Minute Foundation via their website:


If you’d like to follow them on social media and post your own beach clean, please visit the social media links below.



To find out more about Boshers Insurance and our collaboration with The 2 Minute Foundation, our team are on standby to provide more information.

Or if you would like a new quote for your holiday home or holiday let insurance, please contact us today.

Quotes & Enquiries:  01237 429 444

Email: [email protected]





1-3. The 2 Minute Foundation Fundraising Pack July 2024



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