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HomeBusinessInternet Business27 Top Money-Making Tips on Using Twitter to Market Your Business

27 Top Money-Making Tips on Using Twitter to Market Your Business

The social networking phenomenon Twitter is so popular and so big that any business, particularly an internet-based business, cannot afford to miss out on its potential as a great tool for marketing.

Twitter is a free-to-use miniature blogging network that encourages users to exchange news and views (“Tweet”) with each other using messages restricted to no more than 140 characters. Its tremendously valuable to marketers because of its capacity to target a specific audience and communicate with them in realtime. Add to this the fact that the 140-character limit ensures your messages have to be quick and focused, and they are therefore extremely suited to delivery to mobile devices, and you now begin to see Twitter as the marketer’s dream tool.

So, if you haven’t already opened a Twitter account, do it now and this is what you need to know:

Your Profile – How to maximize its business value

  • If it’s not too late, keep your username short and try to choose something that ties in with your business and its products/services.
  • Keep your personal profile constantly up-to-date and make sure you include your business details and visual personality.
  • Write about yourself in a relaxed, friendly, one-to-one style and reveal a little bit about your personality and your interests from time-to-time.
  • Add your picture to your profile. It helps viewers to make a stronger connection with you if they can see a ‘real person’ rather than imagining what the anonymous person ‘hiding’ behind a Twitter name might be like.
  • Search for Tweets related to your business sector and participate in some of the conversations. Over time this will help to build up your credibility in the Twitter community as an expert in your chosen field. Eventually, this will start to pull in some sales based on your online reputation but it is a long term game of patience. But hey! Tweeting is fun so just enjoy yourself as you go.
  • When you are commenting on Tweets that interest you and your potential audience, make sure that you use ReTweets (RT) and replies (@…..) so that there is an online trail linking back to you.
  • Make it easy for others to ReTweet your message by leaving space for someone else to include the standard ReTweet statement without having to edit down what you originally wrote. This means you need to leave the number of characters in your username plus enough space for adding the ‘RT@’ message. It helps if you choose a shortish username because you have more characters available for your message.

Communicating – How to capture and keep the attention of your audience

  • Asking other Twitter users for help with a problem, or help to find a piece of information, or seeking their comments on a topic is a great way to start conversations with a niche group of people and to build up ongoing relationships that could later turn in to sales.
  • Refer users to other Tweeters in the interests of helping them to find what they are after. Good deeds like this are surprisingly often remembered and then repaid at a later date, so always look to help someone out if you can because you could very well be rewarded later. Whenever you see an opportunity to offer advice or assistance to someone, then do so. Not only is it in the spirit of what the Twitter community is all about but the knowledge you pass on helps position you as an expert in your field. This helps build up the credibility of your business and your products/services.
  • Check your Direct Messages (DM) regularly. Inevitably there will be messages that don’t interest you but, as with your email accounts, make sure that you make time to reply to the honest, deserving ones.
  • Use HashTags ( # ) in your Tweets to make your messages more easily found by Twitter search engines. This is like using Keywords to search for something on Google or Yahoo and makes your Tweet available to a wider audience who are interested in the subject you have tagged your message with. For example, # business finance or # Pay Per Click Advice.
  • Limit your out-and-out promotional Tweets to just the
    occasional one. Keep a good 80% of what you Tweet concentrated on being
    informative, helpful and topical. This way you’ll build up integrity and trust
    with your fellow Tweeters which means that when they are looking to buy the
    sort of product/service that you offer, you’ve got a head start over your
    competitors for getting that sale.
  • Don’t go for the heavy sell when you are Tweeting a
    marketing message – it’s obvious what you are doing and it just puts people off.
    Try a low key, relaxed approach that suggests a benefit to the reader of the
    Tweet. For example, “I’ve just added a new # business finance article to
    my website. See how you could save thousands on your loans”. See how that lessens the feeling of a heavy
    sell, pure marketing message?
  • Getting your own posts Retweeted is all about consistently
    writing good value content for your followers. Done right, Retweeting succeeds
    in helping your followers, building your business brand, increasing your
    Twitter and website traffic, and makes you a key player within your Twitter
  • Regularly posting new Tweets helps to drive more traffic to
    your site. The committed Twitter users that you are trying to connect with like
    people that post Tweets frequently. So try to work to a fixed schedule of days
    and times when you post new Tweets so that you are seen to be a committed,
    reliable Tweeter yourself.

Make good use of Links

  • Place a “Follow me on Twitter” link on your
    website, your blog, your Facebook page, at the foot of your emails, your
    business cards; everywhere that you can think of. Promote it widely because
    these days Twitter can be a favorite way for some people to find out about
    what’s new and to track down something they are looking for. So, fly the
    Twitter flag and don’t miss out.

Add yourself to the “We Follow Twitter” Directory so that others can find your contact details.

  • Put website links in your Tweets to useful sources of
    information for your Followers, and not just to your own website. If your
    Tweets stay focused on your particular niche interest, and your website serves
    that same market niche, then don’t worry that your Tweets telling others about
    something good on another website will divert your Followers permanently away
    from your site.
  • Keep the content of your website high on quality and value;
    and do the same with your Tweets. This way people will keep coming back to
    check the latest thing that you have talked about and therefore you will get a
    noticeable gradual increase in your Twitter and your website traffic.
  • There is good value to be gained from tracking down and
    following a few top businessmen, internet marketers or your favorite
    entrepreneur on the BBC‘s “Dragons Den” program. There’s a couple
    of reasons for saying this. Firstly, it gives you some insight into how they
    are using Twitter so you might pick up some useful tips along the way. And
    secondly, your interest in them will be seen by others and will attract some
    attention to what you are saying and doing. People are naturally curious and
    therefore they often click on the links to find out more about the Followers of
    the top businessman or whoever it is that you all share a common interest in.

Tools that will help you

  • Track down your target audience using the Twitter search
    tools. Think about likely keywords people would be using (see the bullet point
    about HashTags) and look for niche groups and forums to join.
  • Look out for breaking news stories about your industry or
    the business sector your trade-in. Participate in the conversations and give
    your own clear opinion. Supporters of your views are likely to check out your
    profile and perhaps make later contact with you, independent of the news story
    that first connected you.
  • If you are not sure about some of the jargon associated with
    Twitter then look it up on the Twitter Dictionary at
  • When you want to include a website link in your Tweet it is
    really helpful to reduce the length of the website page URL. Save characters in
    your Tweet by using a URL Redirection Service (“URL Shrinker”) such
    as Tiny URL, Clogs or Typically, these will replace a very long web
    page URL with a short 20-character code which directs a user to the desired web
    page when it is clicked on in your Tweet.
  • An added benefit of using a URL Shrinker service is that you
    can get tracking information about each of your coded Tweets which is
    incredibly valuable to you in showing you which Tweets were popular and which
    were not. Use this information to help shape your marketing strategies and your
    future Twitter messages.
  • A handy tool for maintaining a regular flow of Tweets is
    available at This works rather like an autoresponder because
    you can prepare a batch of messages for future publication and then set up the
    software to deliver them at the dates and times of your choice.
  • When you’ve started to gather Followers, who are making
    inquiries about your products/services it helps to be able to send them
    pictures via Twitter. To do this set up a Twitch account at and
    upload your photos to it for easy publication on Twitter.
  • There’s a useful gadget for finding out who you are
    following that isn’t following you back. It’s called Toepler and you can get it
    at Again, this is something that will aid you with your marketing
    plans so take a look and make use of it.
  • Remember, there are new stuff and gadgets coming out all the
    time for Twitter, so keep your eyes open, follow the news and look into the
    latest technology releases and social networking trends as they arise.

There will inevitably be more developments to come which
will help you even more with your strategy of using Twitter for marketing, so
take advantage of everything you’ve learned on this factsheet and keep it going
for the long term in order to achieve success for your business. Happy
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