Wix blogging Features
Ok, so far, we know what Wix is, and we know you can start a blog with it but what are the features you as new blogger will have at your disposal.
We are going to focus on a couple of things –
Rich text editor
The bread and butter of blog posts, the editor. You can adjust, align, add quotes and even numbers and bullets.
Categories and tags
Categories and tags are essential for your blog posts. This way you can neatly categorise blog posts and on return makes it quick and easy for readers to find what they are interested in reading.
A wall of text is not always the best way to format your blog post and adding media to your post like images and videos will help a lot to give your readers eyes a rest, and they will engage more and stay longer.
The nice thing about Wix, they even added a library loaded full of stock photos you can use absolutely for free. This major bonus and makes blogging with Wix a breeze.
Adding multiple authors
Like any good CMS (content managing system) A place where you can add more authors to contribute your blog is a must. This is very convenient if your blog grows to a point where you need to appoint a team of writers.
Scheduling blog posts
Another favourite feature I like to use and it works perfect if you need to schedule post during a busy week or over the weekend.
A very useful feature indeed.
SEO tools
Blogging with Wix would be pointless without the ability to make your posts available for the world to see. You have all major SEO tools available by a click of a button.
The tools will help you create a more Google friendly titles and post descriptions.
This once again is major and you should take advantage of this feature at all times if you want to stand a chance to rank in Google.
As you might have notice, Wix has all the bells and whistles you need to start a blog you will love and most importantly your readers will love.
I can honestly say, I like Wix myself and would recommend it to anyone starting out.