How to Install Moodle manually?

Here are the general steps to install Moodle manually on a cPanel Web hosting server:

1 – Download the latest version of Moodle from the official website at

2 – Upload the downloaded zip file to your server using an FTP client or file manager in your cPanel. Extract the files after uploading.

3. Set the correct file permissions on the extracted Moodle files. Typically, folders should have 755 permissions and files should have 644 permissions.

4. Create an empty MySQL database for Moodle to use, and a new user with appropriate permissions to access the database. Note the database name, username, and password for later use.

  • set privilege for that user

5. Create a data directory for Moodle to store user data. This directory should be outside the public_html folder and not accessible via the web.

 6. Navigate to your Moodle installation URL in your web browser to start the installation process.

7.  Select your preferred language and set the directory paths

8. Choose the type of database you will use and enter the database information (database name, username, and password).

9. The installation will check your PHP settings.

10. Fill in the general information such as site name, administrator username, and password, and email.

Complete the installation and start using Moodle

Note: Please note that these are general steps and the specific process may vary depending on your server setup and version of Moodle. It is recommended to review the official Moodle documentation for detailed installation instructions.

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Author – Robert L

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