How to Install OpenCart –

You can install OpenCart on every AwardSpace web hosting plan, including our free web hosting, shared hosting, and advanced AwardSpace services such as Semi-Dedicated Hosting and VPS hosting.

Keep in mind that all of the AwardSpace hosting services are tailored to run OpenCart flawlessly and smoothly, regardless of your website’s size or requirements.

Read also: How to Choose the Best Web Hosting Plan for Your Site

In the following paragraphs, you will read how to install the CMS in a few easy-to-follow steps.


How to Install OpenCart

To install the CMS, first, you should sign up for an AwardSpace hosting plan.

Then, log in to the AwardSpace hosting control panel. From there, you can manage all your websites, hosting, and domain settings.

To be able to install OpenCart, you need to register a domain name. Here’s how:

How to Register a Domain


After you enter the hosting panel, head to Zacky App Installer, located within the Website Manager box:

Install Opencart via the AwardSpace hosting panel


Once you click the Zacky App Installer, a new page will open – when you see it, click the green Browse and Install Apps button:

Browse for the OpenCart app to install it


Then, from the new page that will open, select a domain name that would be associated with the OpenCart installation:

Select a Domain name for your OpenCart installation


Then, click on the OpenCart icon:

To install OpenCart, click on the app's icon


The next step is to choose a username, password, and email for your OpenCart installation. Remember these credentials – you will use these to enter the OpenCart admin panel:

Select your OpenCart credentials


Once you fill in these credentials, follow the instructions and install the platform. The process should take only a few minutes:

OpenCart installation process


After the installation is complete, AwardSpace will send an email to the address you selected when choosing credentials.

Read the email thoroughly, because it contains important information about your AwardSpace account and login details about your OpenCart website. It is advisable to save this email for future reference.

Now you have managed to install OpenCart successfully.

Read also:

How to Log in to OpenCart

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