It is a major let down to make an appointment with a reputable sales rep and when you trying to connect this person through the phone and you hear a voicemail when it is the time to meet this person.
There are even worse situations such as having to connect with them and never come to the moment that they answer your call when it is the time to meet them.
It is important to make solid appointments to connect with prospects and sales reps because it can save you lot of your valuable time. These 5 steps will help you to get there.
Step 1: Just sending a request to meet is not enough and do not expect to sales rep or the prospect to show up. That is a way too passive manner. What needs to be done is to test if these people are well engaged and also if they are well coopertive.
You can test them saying, “Let’s take a look at our schedules rights now to check out what date and time it the best, are you front of our calender right now?”
This can be an important moment. You need to get the prospect to execute a task. ( That is get this prospect to open their calender) and while you can discuss a date and time. Give them the instruction to put in their calender. And wait till they do this.
Okay, sure, Tell them that you will send them a meeting request well. Maybe they might give you the same reaction first. Wait until they are saying this. When they try to dust you with a “Please send me a meeting request” and you might know that they did not took the time to open their calender. That is a major let down.
Step 2: While you are still on the phone send them a request for a meeting. You can tell them that you will send them a meeting request, that you will do it right now. Then instruct the prospect to open their e-mail and to accept the e-mail for a meeting request while you are still on the phone with them.
This is another way to test the prospects if they work with you. If they hesitate to do this then you will know that you got 50/50 chance that they will come to the meeting.
There is no chance that all the propspects will do this. I give the direction many people to do it. It can be sort of a “pre-qualifier” for the meeting.
Step 3: After you pick a date and time for the appointment, and you are still on the phone with the propect, request them if they to reach back to you if something might come up through the e-mail or the phone.
It might sound kind of a let down to the prospect to let them know this. They already know this. If something comes up they can cancel.
Here is the best way to say it:
“(First name), That you got propspects confirmation for date and the time and that the prospect is in your calender. Ask the them if you are in theirs.
There might be some situations that something come up for both of you. That is the sales person and the prospect. Deal with this situation by making agreements that if something comes up that you send an e-mail or pick up the phone to contact each other. Respect each others time and the effort you have to put in to show up for a meeting.
“Thank you, If I do not hear from you. Then I will be looking forward to meet with you”Confirm the date and the time. And ask for what the direct phone number is that you can reach the prospect.
Step 4: Do a follow up with an e-mail stating the same thing as the above mentioned script.
Make sure that you do this soon as possible after hanging up the phone…
Step 5: Make sure that you call and confirm the appointment the day before the meeting.
It is unbelievable that so many do not do that, but when you do. Some things can happen.
A) They might not be available at the moment, so leave a voicemail remembering them about the appointment to meet the next day and how you look forward to it.
B) They will come to the phone and you can make the sales call one day earlier.
C) They might tell you that they are not interested at the moment. You can give your best shot overcoming the objectives and pitch.
It is wise not to underestimate this eassential step. There are less amount of sales professionals do this. It is quite nice effect to pitch one day earlier.