Want to redesign your business for more freedom and flexibility? Did you start your business thinking it would give you loads of freedom and flexibility, but now you’ve found yourself constantly glued to your laptop or phone? If you’ve found yourself in that situation do not worry. Just because you are there now doesn’t mean you have to be forever. With some strategic shifts you can redesign your business and get the freedom and flexibility you truly desire. Keep on reading to find out how to redesign your business for more freedom and flexibility.
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Step 1: Get clear on what level of freedom and flexibility you truly desire
Before redesigning your business it is key to get really honest about the level of freedom and / or flexibility you desire. One of the reasons why so many business owners don’t get the level of freedom and flexibility they desire is they haven’t articulated what they want. The terms means different things to different people. So if you want to strategically redesign your business you need to first get clear on what you ultimately want.
Think about:
- Do you want complete freedom over the hours you work or are you happy to have some commitments in your diary?
- Are you happy with ongoing commitments or commitments months in advance in your diary, or do you only want to be booking work in for the next few months?
- Do you want the ability to work from anywhere? Or specifically from somewhere else?
- How many hours do you want to work in total? Does the differ across the year?
When working with clients I’ll often get them to envision what an ideal working year would be like. One of the reasons why we look at an ideal working year rather than day, week or even month, is that when you think across the year you have the opportunity to take into account seasonality, which often will bring up ideas you wouldn’t think of if you just thought across a week or month.
For example, in my business I like the flexibility to be able to take more time off in the summer and to be able to enjoy as much of the sun as possible in summer. This means I have services that I offer all year long (such as 1:1 mentoring), but then I have other services, which I’ll mainly promote and offer during the winter (Strategy Days).
Step 2: Assess your current offer suite
Now that you have a clear idea of what you ideally would like it is time to go back through your offer suite and assess everything you offer and see whether they are aligned with what you are wanting in terms of flexibility and freedom – or not.
Some things to specifically look at are:
- The hours required for delivering each offer
- The level of commitment – both in terms of how many hours have you got working hours that are fixed and how far out have you committed to working for
- If you want to work from abroad have you got work commitments at a time that would work with the places you’d ideally like to work.
Step 3: Assess your marketing and sales strategy
On the whole, it is predominantly your offer suite that will impact the level fo freedom and flexibility you have in your business, but your marketing and sales strategy also plays a role. If you have a sales strategy that relies on you constantly being in the DMs or on sales calls then the reality is you are going to struggle to feel free even if you offer suite has been designed strategically.
Think about
- How much time are you spending on your marketing and sales?
- Do you find your marketing and sales strategy energising or draining?
- Are you always worried about the next sale so feel like you are chasing sales and that makes you compromise – take calls when you don’t want to, check your DMs at night etc?
As you can see there are a few things to consider and get right if you want more freedom and flexibility in your business. And sometimes you are just too close. I can help you to properly analyse your current business, and then map out the necessary so you can achieve the freedom and flexibility you desire. All you have to do is fill in a questionnaire beforehand and then turn up on the day. I’ll then lead you through the whole process and write everything down – making it super easy for you! |
Step 4: Redesign your offer suite
By now you’ve got clear on what you ultimately desire in terms of flexibility and freedom, and you’ve assessed how your business currently is and isn’t supporting that. So it is time to start redesigning.
To redesign your business for more freedom and flexibility you are going to need to concentrate on offers that will give you scalability, passive income or high profitability.
For example, by having a scalable offer such as a membership you are able to help multiple people simultaneously. You’ll likely have to do some work – a call, make some additional content, engage with your members – but the amount per month that is fixed in your calendar will be minimal.
If you don’t want to have any commitments then you are going to be best to focus on passive income products, like digital courses. By taking this route you’ll have the freedom both in terms of creating the product and marketing the product.
It might be that you are happy to work but you just want to reduce the amount you work or contain it. In that case the focus should be on packaging your expertise in a way that you can make the most per hour/day – and that the profit margin is high. One way to do this is with VIP days. You can charge thousands, and they are great in terms of it being one commitment, rather than committing to work with someone for weeks or months.
Step 5: Streamline your marketing and sales
Regardless of what your revised offer suite is like you are going to need to marketing and sales. And here you want to streamline this as much as possible. The focus should be on ensuring you have a clear buyer journey for every offer, and that ideally you’ll want to minimise live elements such as going live on social media or a live launch.
Your business needs marketing and sales, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it. There is so much technology that can enable a lot of the process to be automated. And there is always the option of hiring someone to do it for you.
Step 6: Transitioning to your redesign
You’ve worked out what your what changes need to be made to your offer suite, marketing and sales. But next you’ll need to transition to that redesign. Depending on the amount of change it might be something that can happen fairly quickly or might be that it will take some months. For example, if you’ve already got clients who have signed up for programmes that last months you’ll have to wait for those programmes to come to an end.
The reverse may be that you might need some time to create the new thing. For example, if you decide to sell passive income products you’ll need to make them and have them ready to buy.
Mapping out how to move from one business model to a new business model is one of the things I help business owners with so if you aren’t sure how to smoothly make the transition I can help. You can check out how you can work with me here.
Switching from your old business model to new one can involve multiple steps, and as someone who has helped business owners switch business models over and over again I know how to make the transition as stress free and successful as possible. I’ll help you to map out the whole transition in just one day. More freedom and flexibility really isn’t that far away. |
Step 7: Sticking to your boundaries
At this point you’ve learnt how to redesign your business for more freedom and flexibility. But having the right design is only part of the puzzle. You need to set, and stick, to boundaries.
It’s not uncommon for me to work with a business owner and see that in theory they have the right structure in place, but the problem is they aren’t sticking to it.
They take on clients who want calls outside of their desired working hours. They log onto social media at the weekend even though they say they want social media free weekends. They don’t block out weeks off in advance, and so months go by without them having a proper break.
Once you’ve redesigned the business you have to set boundaries – and stick to them.
That’s it. You now know how to redesign your business for more freedom and flexibility.
There is no reason in today’s world to have a business where you feel stuck to your laptop or phone. There are so many ways to work with people that your expertise absolutely can be packaged up in a way that gets people results, but can be delivered in a way that gives you freedom and flexibility. I hope this blog post has inspired you to see what is possible when you are strategic and take intentional action.
Let me know in the comments what your biggest takeaway has been.
If you are serious about experiencing more freedom and flexibility in your business then a Strategy Day would be perfect for you.
A Strategic Day is a one-to-one annual planning strategic experience. I’ll take you through my 5-step planning process and by the end of the day working together you’ll have your plan for the next 12 months.
As you’ve seen achieving more freedom and flexibility will requires consider a number of different aspects, but this is what I’ve done for year. And I now have a process that means rather than spending weeks you can get ready in just one day.
For all the information, and to instantly book, a Strategy Day click here.