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HomeBusinessInternet BusinessThe 3 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Your Marketing

The 3 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Your Marketing

If you have your own business, no doubt you understand just how important marketing is for growing your business? However, all too often these basic mistakes are made, which can actually be losing you, clients, rather than increasing your client attraction returns.

See if you are making these mistakes, and if so, how you can easily remedy them:

Permission Marketing Basics

Recently I was sent an email from someone I’d never heard of telling me all about how to use the power of digital marketing methods for growing your business. How to use newsletters, stay-in-touch marketing, and how to collect people’s information on your website with an opt-in box and by offering a free report.

All well and good. BUT!! At no point had I opted in for this guy’s newsletter. I hadn’t asked him to email me about his business. I’d never even heard of him!!

So, I unsubscribed immediately (he did at least have the good sense to have an unsub option!). Getting someone’s permission to email them is absolute good marketing BASICS! We’re all busy, so we want to use our time wisely. Never assume that you have the right to email people with your newsletter unless they’ve given you permission, otherwise that’s spamming.

Now – how can you get that permission? Well – when you offer someone your high-value f.ree report on your website (in exchange for their name and email), you can tell them that as a bonus they will also be getting additional helpful tips and strategies in your weekly newsletter.

When you do networking and public speaking, you can say that you offer a free report, plus weekly additional strategies and resources in your newsletter, so if they’d like to receive those, hand their business card in, and write on it that they want to be put on your list to receive that information (you then have had permission to add them to your list – you can do that manually – so you can legitimately go ahead and send them to email updates and your newsletter.)

Website Basics

You don’t have to venture far on the internet to see some truly awful websites. Obviously, this is a huge topic, but here are some of my most basic no-no’s.

  • Having glitzy graphics that take forever to load.
  • Focusing on how wonderful you are, rather than striving to create a connection with the reader.
  • Not having a photo or video of yourself (yes, I did look at the website link from the email the guy sent me I mentioned above, to jog my memory that perhaps it was someone I’d met networking, and forgotten about. Not a single picture on the site of a person.)
  • Not having a clear flow, and logical layout on the site.
  • Not having clear calls to action, or making it hard to get what your point is.
  • Using technical jargon to show how qualified you are, but which goes over your prospects’ heads.
  • Having a website that hasn’t been updated since the Ark set sail.
  • Creating content that’s only for Google bot’s pleasure to get ranked, not for your prospect to feel informed and entertained.

Just being plain dull and boring

Take a moment to walk through your website with fresh eyes, as though you’ve just arrived without knowing anything about you or your business. Make sure it’s easy to navigate and has a clear flow.

Show that you understand exactly what the problems are that your prospect is wanting to be solved (in relation to your niche).

Keep it fresh and entertaining – if you link it to your blog, you can add new content as often as you like without having to involve your programmer.

Tell your reader (nicely!) what you’d like them to do – claim a copy of your free report, comment on your blog, submit their ‘burning question’ to you via email, or ring up for a free strategy session – don’t assume they know.

Use pop-ups if you must, but consider maybe a footer slide-up instead, to be less intrusive, and ask yourself if it’s necessary to have it on EVERY new page they navigate to. (There will be a lot of debate on this I’m sure, as pop-ups DO increase opt-ins there’s no doubt, BUT they can be used more sparingly still with great effect, rather than bludgeoning someone into opting in!)

Personality in Business Basics

We’ve all seen it! Someone’s got a big promotion coming up, and they’re all over your computer like a bad case of chickenpox! They’re schmoozing you left right and center. Then the launch finishes, and you don’t see them for dust.

Or, they give you every option under the sun to ‘get in touch and get your questions answered’ when there’s something to sell, but if you have a customer care query once you’ve bought their program, you’ll be lucky to get through to the outsourced assistant with a shaky grasp of English!

The remedy to this is simple really. Do as you would be done to in business, or it will surely come back and bite you.

Treat your prospects with the respect they deserve when they show an interest in your business offering.

Value your clients like the diamonds that they are, and know that in order to do this it’s OK to turn away prospective clients whom you know will not be the best fit for your business.

Be authentic and transparent in your business dealings at all times – your reputation will be built or crushed on it!

So, take a moment to review your business and marketing to see if you are inadvertently making some of these mistakes – and schedule in the time to remedy them as soon as possible. It’s surprising how far ahead of your competition this will place you! onlineibusiness helps solopreneur coaches, consultants, and other service professionals to consistently get more clients and grow their business with a workable, systemized Marketing Plan.


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