I can remember that experts use to say that when it came to selling over the phone you had about 2 to 3 minutes to make a good impression.
As the Internet won terrain and e-mail lost it’s soft glow, the experts said that you had the first couple of minutes to grab someone’s attention when you pitch a product to be sold.
Sending text messages became the new hype and the personal communication became this new mode. That the first couple of minutes to making a good impression became about 30 seconds.
Right now the hype of text messaging is not that of a new mode. Nowadays you have 5 seconds to make an impression because there are plenty of others that can call you to pitch another product. You can experience the emotions what they have in their voice. The customers do not need to pick up the phone to hear you pitch them a product. They are easily irritated. Sales calls can be a pain in the ass for the customers. Some people show their anger and some can become aggressive.
There are some situations people react pleasantly towards salesmen. Some people do not have any problem with salesmen calling to sell them a product or a service.
The success factor of making a good impression is what your reaction is to the tone of the customers’ voice-and the final emotions in the first 5 seconds.
Do not do this:
The well known mistake is that sales persons make is not acknowledging is that a customer is not in a good mood. They are also annoyed that you know that they are in a bad mood. You as a sales person can hear in your prospects voice that they are irritated but you have no other option than carrying on with your sales pitch.
This is not a good option and never can be a successful sales pitch.
Worse situation is when a prospect is in a proper mood and have no problem to connect with you then you have the moment to live for and make a good impression. In a certain case when sales reps can not wait to pitch and do not care about the prospects mood. Then this can be not a successful sales pitch.
Try to avoid these types of situations. If you pitch to people in bad moods you are missing a real big time opportunity. This means that the prospect feels left out.
Consider these things to do:
Take the advantage to react to what the prospects have to say. Give him the ears they deserve. There is a saying in football says an offense should be always “take what the defense gives you.” In sales it should be “Do not ignore what the prospect gives you, take it.”
So, once you remark that they are annoyed or in a bad mood then try to react to that in this manner:
“If you are busy at the moment, I’ll keep it short….
Once you got to know that some prospects are willing to talk to you, for example, they ask how you are doing? When they response to your question, for example when you asked how the prospect is doing. Always take time to have a moment to build a first impression before pitching the client. React in this way:
“Thanks for asking, I really got to tell you that I am having a great day today. By the way, and how is the weather at the moment where you reside?
By taking these steps you will make the connection to lay the foundation to for a successful conversation.
So, how do you leave a good impression behind in 5 seconds or less?
Listen close which way the prospect repond to your call and take action by creating a good atmosphere to have a successful sales call