Analysis of Dasin Retail Trust – Almost unchanged, Just collect dividends

Current Price on 7th Apr 2019 = $0.865

  • Yield = 8.46%  
  • Price-to-book Ratio = 0.554
  • Assets per unit = $3.005
  • Debt per unit = $1.443 (including current liabilities)
  • Gearing = 48.0%

Three months have passed since I look at Dasin Retail Trust and here we see it again.

The price has not changed much but I have collected a dividend of $4,600 which is very good for me. With the current yield of 8.46%, I am expecting to collect another $4,200 in August/September period which is fantastic for me. It’s price-to-book ratio also suggest that we are buying at a big discount. Gearing is at a high of 48% so need to watch out.

With the current Hyflux problems, I have come to realize that the valuation can be misleading and unreal since Hyflux gives such a big writedown in their assets. I am wondering how valuation companies do their valuation and whether it is reliable. So far, I have relied on them to make my investment decisions but I am starting to question.

Nevertheless, I am still holding on to 120,000 shares which I am thankful for as I got it at a relatively cheap price. Will continue to hold on.

Before you go, I would like to share an upcoming REITs Symposium where we can get to learn and know more about REITs directly from the people in the industry.

Date:18th May 2019, Saturday
Time: 9am to 6pm
Venue: Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Level 4, Roselle Simpor Ballroom
Price: As below.

BONUS: When you key in my promo-code “sreitinvestmentblog”, you will receive a mystery gift from them. And it is only for the first 30 sign-ups.

So here is the link and the price.

$24 option with Carpark Coupon –
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