In this episode, I interview investor Ales Eisner, we talk about how to get started with investing, how to select dividend stocks, and how invest in this current economic climate.
Ales achieved financial independence in his early 40’s, and stopped working in IT at 46. Today he lives off his six figure dividend income. Ales is a disciplined investor who is happy to share his knowledge and experience with our audience.
I also cover the following topics in this episode:
– How Ales achieved a six figure annual dividend income
– RRSP (401k) vs TFSA vs non-registered accounts
– Why is it important to start investing sooner than later?
– Is it too late to start investing in your 50s?
– What is your process for selecting what stocks to invest in?
– The risk of investing in dividend traps
– Why invest in dividend stocks when the dividend isn’t guaranteed?
– Why is dividend history so important?
– How many stocks should I hold in my portfolio?
– Do you consider the management expense ratio (MER fee) when investing in funds?
– When would you sell a stock?
– How are you investing in this current tariff trade war?
– The importance of remaining calm when investing
– What advice would you give to someone who wants to start investing for their future?
Link to Ales’s website: