Marksman’s Investment Corner: Portfolio – August 2020

It is the end of Aug 2020 and this means it’s time for the monthly portfolio update! There is a bit of activity this month (read on).

See: Link to Main Portfolio page


  1. Portfolio (31 August 2020)
  2. Transactions and Dividends
  3. Closing Thoughts

Portfolio (31 August 2020)


Some commentary on my portfolio

  • Finally took action on my portfolio – I drew down SGD 4400 from war chest and added Wilmar (SGX:F34) at SGD 4.37 each (and SGD 30 for brokerage fees) due to the 10% drop in price which I deem unrelated to its fundamentals. It is one of the stocks I had been eyeing after news of Wilmar’s YKA Listing started coming out. How long will I hold this for? Somewhat undecided between short term punt or up to a couple of years.

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Transactions and Dividends 

(a) Transaction Summary

  • Bought 1000 units of Wilmar on 20 August 2020 at SGD 4.37 each. As it has gone XD on 17 August 2020, I am not entitled to the interim dividend of SGD 0.04.

(b) Dividend Summary

  • No dividend received in the month of August 2020
  • Expecting to receive approximately SGD 158 in dividends for month of September 2020.
    • PRIME US REIT declared DPU of 3.52 2.56 US cents (approximately SGD 0.048 0.0348)
      • XD on 14 August 2020
      • Correction done on 30-09-2020
    • Lendlease REIT declared DPU of SGD 0.048
    • Fu Yu declared dividend of SGD 0.0035 per unit

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Closing Thoughts

The community cases in Singapore have been kept relatively contained, having hanged around single digit for a while. It is a relief, but we must not get complacent.

On the investing front, my purchase in Wilmar leaves me with ~39% of warchest (inclusive of upcoming dividends) and I am considering my next course of action what to do with the remainder. I foresee making a choice between adding to an existing position, but we shall see yeah?

An interesting read I came across is posted by Financial Horse, whom recently wrote on his concern for how the next phase of COVID-19 could play out, and it’s something I mostly, if not wholeheartedly agree with.

Read: Financial Horse – Why I am Worried About the Next Phase In Stocks

Elsewhere, US Presidential Election is also around the corner, scheduled to take place in November 2020. The period leading up till then could see increase volatility, and that could produce more opportunities to add positions.

Stay safe, all.

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