Marksman’s Investment Corner: Portfolio – September 2020

It is the end of Sep 2020, bringing 3rd quarter of 2020 to a close.

See: Link to Main Portfolio page


  1. Portfolio (30 September 2020)
  2. Transactions and Dividends
  3. Closing Thoughts

Portfolio (30 September 2020)



From this month onward, I have added Capital Injection (CI) into the graph, so as to show any increase or decrease not owing to stock movement. The Portfolio Value is inclusive of CI by itself.

Some commentary on my portfolio

  • Wilmar dropped to 4.1x range for a bit before climbing back to 4.3x – 4.4x.
  • Took action on my portfolio this month – I drew down remaining amount from war chest, topped up a little bit from my wallet and added more Lendlease Global Commercial REIT (SGX:JYEU), or LREIT for short. This brings down my average price to ~0.73 SGD per unit.

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Transactions and Dividends 

(a) Transaction Summary

  • Bought 4500 units of LREIT on 4 September 2020 at SGD 0.645 each.

(b) Dividend Summary

  • No new dividend declared in the month of September 2020
  • Received approximately SGD 145.30 in dividends for month of September 2020.
    • PRIME US REIT (SGX: OXMU): SGD 34.80 
    • Fu Yu (SGX:F13): SGD 38.5
      • Dividend of SGD 0.0035 per unit

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Closing Thoughts

Going forward, short of any rights issue, I do not expect to further top up additional capital for the remainder of the year. However I have not ruled out any possibility of cycling funds (“change horse”) within the portfolio. 

For instance, a thought I have at the moment is how Fu Yu is dragging my portfolio performance because I bought at a high. Could the money be deployed elsewhere that would benefit my portfolio more in spite of Fu Yu’s good business fundamentals?

In addition, I have started to think of my investment plan going forward. Currently thinking that I am likely focus on mid-term (think holding period of 3-5 years?). I could lean towards banks, or certain cyclical industries. Wilmar is currently a short-term play (could be multi-month play, but
may stretch up to 2 years max). Let’s see how it goes.

Other than that, I have been trying to figure out how to automate data extraction to facilitate portfolio updates. It takes multiple steps for me to get my data, and introduces human error as well. Tried some solutions that was supposed to call the stock prices from Yahoo Finance into Excel but to no avail. Hope I find some ways around this.

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