Sat 24 Aug 2019 Mumbai Equity Workshop on Stripping Annual Reports ~ Bullshit or Badass

Then after June 22,2019 , here’s another great  Rs 9000 opportunity to attend my Mumbai Fundamental Equity Workshop  ~ 😆 Please don’t ask for any discount because I can’t say No !

No prior Financial or fundamental knowledge is required. Just come with an Open Mind dressed with Common sense to realise how uncommon it really is ! At the time of Registration or even later you can even request for a Specific Company you wish who’s Annual Report be (st)ripped at the Workshop 

Here’s a warm testimonial from a participant who flew in from Accra,Ghana for the June 22,2019 workshop on Sensex at 40000 ~ Treasure & Traps where we covered Risk Profiling & Returns ,Scenarios & Scrips,Macros & Mistakes,Treasures & Traps ~ assessing many on Value Vs Price ~ 😀 Yes, the workshop did go on till much later than scheduled close,as is usual….there was so much fun interaction,again as is usual

” It was a privilege to attend your workshop.I gained a lot of wisdom & knowledge.Many thanks & God Bless ” 

& another from a repeat participant ” Many many thanks Gaurav.It was really wonderful.Really appreciate all the efforts and the sharing of your knowledge.It was outstanding ” 

There’s a comprehensive Workshop Template on the Registration link that details out why you should attend & what benefits you can expect to derive

Here are a few extracts from this  Workshop Template that should convince you to be there on Saturday,August 24,2019

It’s been a market meltdown of frightening proportion across the Board, except in a few ,visibly an (un)lucky 13 that constitute high weightage in the Sensex & Nifty that has kept these Indices alive at 38000 & 11000 yet

The ‘Fun’ in  ‘Fun’damental Stock Stories too has vanished with Equity Portfolios showing strong depression in almost all stock selections across sectors & Market Cap segments  

Company Annual Report ~ Can we yet revere it as the Bible or Bhagvad Gita or Quran for Company Performance !?

Never judge a Book by it’s Cover.We’ve seen the Annual Report sabotaged, painted & tainted by sub standard supervision , monitoring & assessment ,intentional or otherwise, by Banks & other Lending Institutions, Statutory & Internal Auditors , Regulators & Credit Rating Agencies.

Nexus & Vested Interests have vitiated the norms of Disclosure, Transparency & Accounting & Valuation Treatment that are prescribed. Relying on Mandatory  Reviews & Compulsory Credit Ratings of the Company is no longer a given. As is relying too  on Promoters, Management & expert opinions & recommendations of brokers, research analysts &  equity advisors that yet continue to proliferate especially on stock channels with inflated views that sadly reach out to influence hundreds of thousands of viewers

The prescribed mandatory adoption of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), especially Ind AS 115 on Revenue from Contracts with Customers has impacted Revenue Recognition significantly with retrospective effect             

Consequently Valuation perspectives have been affected & rapid de-rating has caused a fast downward spiral in share prices.What looked ridiculously cheap at a PE of 9 now looks risky at a PE of 4  when all four legs of an equity table,Valuation,Liquidity.Sentiment & Momentum turns viciously south ! ~ There are no Buyers even for PE 2 opportunities ! ~ that’s how frustrated & worried are all in these markets

 Yet ! History lends a leg to the conviction that such meltdowns offer huge opportunities ! 

While reviewing many Annual Reports we’ll validate the wealth destruction that has already transpired in Companies  & how warnings on such destruction in the making were  quite loud & clear in the Annual Report despite clean audit reports. Importantly & interestingly we shall evaluate Annual Reports of companies where the worse is yet indicated to come or on the flip side where we can strengthen conviction of great value going forward

A common refrain will be  “But I’m fully invested & in emotional notional Loss?”

It’s seriously time to revisit the Fundamental Basics of reassessing Company’s Corporate Governance Practices,Business Model & Operations & Interpreting it’s Financial Performance to strengthen conviction

Courage & Conviction are both being severely tested to Hold or even Average, or Invest in what appear to be huge mispricing opportunities or simply Sell off expecting the worse is yet ahead

On Hindsight ,after paying a heavy price for market seduction, why do we now realise that Capital Protection  is a ‘must have’  Mindset  at all times for serious Wealth Creation through Equity.While Growing your Wealth it’s equally imperative to Protect it & that the discipline of Asset Allocation based on Risk Profile needs to be adhered to

This Workshop will equip you to deal with these questions while stripping Annual Reports of many companies:

  • How to fundamentally rip an Annual Report to raise any blood red flags ? especially how to read between lines
  • Are these red flags reflected in the Share Price or is worse to follow?
  • Why Liquidity more than Profitability is the Circle of Life
  • How do Company Valuations rack up against their Share Price now? ~ If there is Value, where can we find
  • How should one align News & Views on Company Operations & Financials in the Print & Social  Media & on Stock Portals & Channels with own views ?
  • How to strengthen resolve & conviction to hold on to Selections even when facing unrealized losses?
  • When & How to decide a Switch in Equity Holdings?
  • How not to let Emotion & Ego dictate holding on to Losers & Wealth Destroyers & just letting them go or avoiding them in the first place?

Workshop Objectives & Benefits

Through a thorough reading of Annual Reports of Companies , the participant will become conversant & be empowered to :

  • Strengthen Micro and Macro Perspectives
  • Understand Impact of Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards
  • Assess Disclosure, Transparency & Accounting Treatment
  • Monitor Corporate Governance Actions & Behaviour to gauge Promoter & Management Mindsets
  • Review Financial Statements to assess risks while figuring Value & Growth Potential differentiating between Profitability & Liquidity & why the latter should matter more
  • Translate Fundamental Interpretation & Valuation Theory to Application and Academics to Action
  • Familiarise with the four Legs of an Equity Table ~ Valuation, Liquidity, Momentum & Sentiment
  • Appreciate that Wealth of Mind & Money must move in tandem
  • Deal with Investor Psyche & all that Jazz…Pitfalls…Thinking & Acting rationally to avoid making Investment Mistakes

Key Highlights of the Workshop

Assessing Corporate Governance & Promoter & Management Mindsets

Evaluating the Company’s Business Model

Review Approach of the Multiple Users (Existing & Potential Investors, Credit Rating Agencies, Regulators, Auditors, Lenders , Trade Creditors , Employees, Customers , Government etc) of an Annual Report

Importance, Constitution , Relevance & Interpretation of  all Constituents of an Annual Report with emphasis & focus on Company’s Financial Statements ~ Accounting Ratios ~ Compounded Topline & Bottomline Growth ~ Impact of Indian Accounting Standards & Changes in Policy ~ Common size Statements

Earnings & Assets Valuation Metrics ~ Relative & Absolute, Traditional & Contemporary

Those Who Should Attend

  • Keen to learn how to subjectively & objectively read & interpret an Annual Report
  • Seek the answers in this Market Meltdown to ‘What Now? Especially those who wish to figure out how to get out of existing tight corners & not get into such again
  • Equity Sceptics or those who want to strengthen conviction in Direct Equity

The Workshop would be a great practical value add even to Students pursuing Business, Commerce, Insurance, Finance, Equity, Management studies at all levels

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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