There is more to be learnt from ancient books than from social media posts. If you read Epictetus, Cicero or learn how to meditate you would learn far and more from it than from anywhere else. The key to life or investing is not adding but subtracting. Subtract all negative emotions like greed, envy, fear, suffering etc. Its very easy to lay all these but to do in actual practice.
When you start to meditate and all sort of emotions come in. Your mind begins to wander and then some sage or some book tells you to notice your breath. Then you slow the breath down. the average breath per minute is around 15 and then with practice you bring it down. Down to 3 or 4 breath(inhale and exhale) and slowly body begins to slow as well. The thoughts begins to wander and then you let it wander. The thought begins to surrender and then slowly the feeling of nothingness comes. The more the thought comes the more you think of it as impermanence. Slowly you begin to feel nothingness.
The joy is not momentary or eluding. The joy is the subtraction of envy, greed, fear, lust and feeling that its just a passing of emotion.
To put all this in perspective of investing or life. It is imperative in the game of life and investing to subtract the noise and have equanimity to not let fear, anxiety, envy, suffering be an obstacle. All these negative emotions are just passing emotions. As with all things in life this as well as good things this too will pass. The important thing is just observe and have the equanimity.
To put in Buddhist terms the more the pain the more the purity. To put in perspective with investing the more bearish the market the more gains the market will give. So what do you look out for bear or bull markets. As heard from some monk. Suffering is happiness. Happiness is Suffering.
Books I am reading.
Science of Enlightenment by Shinzen Young
Richer Wiser Happier by William Green.