The word ethics derives from the ancient Greek “ethos”, which means character,
behavior, habit. From here, in ancient Greece, human behavior began to be
studied and to distinguish between good and evil. Thus was born ethics
understood as that branch of philosophy which, as Aristotle says – “ethics, studies
the conduct of human beings and the criteria on the basis of which behaviors and
choices are evaluated”.
We spend a lot of time at work, together with others.
Very often work is where we spend most of our time, so being able to establish
cordial relationships and cooperation with colleagues is extremely important for our
personal well-being. One element that should not be underestimated is our image.
How we present ourselves to others can shape relationships and collaborations.
Clothing must be suitable for the environment in which we carry out our activity. It
is always better to avoid excesses and present you in an orderly manner and at
the same time show punctuality. These aspects, as trivial as they may seem,
actually allow us to build a good reputation.
What does it mean to be ethical in working relationships today? And why is it so
rare today to be able to talk about kindness even in business? .
If we look at ethics from the perspective of the importance of quality relationships,
we will discover how it may finally be possible to intertwine ethics, work, human
relations, and kindness to achieve success, through a choice that returns us to our
natural humanity.
Acting and living according to ethical principles has different facets: like the
patterns of a kaleidoscope. Happy areas, difficult areas, incomprehensible areas,
doubts and serenity of being are just some of the many facets encountered in a
relationship, regardless of its nature. And this is even more true in one of the most
important areas of human life: work.
Why is the broad and sound ethical path so important in our relationships and
business dealings?
The behaviors of people working towards a common goal define group ethics.
Compliance with ethics in business and in labor relations guarantees healthy, fair
and transparent relations with all the figures with whom we find ourselves in daily
contact: from collaborators and colleagues to customers. On the other hand, a lack
of attention to ethics will sooner or later be a boomerang ready to return to the
sender. We should ask ourselves, “How can I achieve success and gain the
esteem and confidence of those around me if my behavior is not exemplary?”
How can you be productive, aligned with your goals, eliminate the typical
aggressiveness of many professional environments if there are shared values and
dubious ethical assumptions?
It is precisely through ethics that the behavior towards others is manifested; in fact,
we see the attitude of ethics itself, kindness.
Moreover, in ancient times, Marcus Aurelius understood the importance of
goodness as a guiding principle in life;
Even to the emperor and the philosopher it was in every way a powerful weapon
against evil men. However, today it seems that being kind, gentle in approach, has
become almost synonymous with not being very smart and not being very attentive
to business opportunities, when – in reality – being kind is the path that leads us
back to our humanity and consequently to natural success.
When we create a working community, we must think that we are part of the same
family. Being kind in working relationships is equivalent to being good to yourself
and “mirroring” whoever is in front of you, precisely because you are working
towards common goals.
Another aspect of ethics is the way we express ourselves/react. Let’s not project
our stress and frustrations onto others.
It is important to work on managing your own emotions. Also important to pay
attention to the person in front of us, even if we are overwhelmed with work. If this
is not possible, the best thing to do is to always apologize to the interlocutor.
Our ability to collaborate and cooperate with colleagues, avoiding closed and
individualistic attitudes, can greatly influence the quality
relationships and the work itself. A highly competitive attitude towards others can
affect us negatively, increasing mistrust, closure and attracting dislike. Indeed, as a
result of such behavior, it may happen that this needs help or a favor from a
colleague and is reluctant for us. The way you communicate can be crucial to
manage important negotiations, sell a product, study business strategies on which
the fate of many employees depends.
Body language in interpersonal relationships is fundamental.
Many people believe that the most common way to communicate with other people
is through words. In fact, verbal communication only affects about 10% of the
results obtained when transmitting a message. The only way to determine people’s
deep feelings is to read the meaning of their body language or non-verbal
Non-verbal communication can help us better understand our interlocutors and
properly manage relationships with colleagues and employers.We wrote a whole
chapter about it in our book More than a Lawyer.
This aspect can be useful for getting in touch with colleagues, knowing when and
how to request a change or ask for help in a collaboration.
The ability to understand the emotional states of those around us can prevent us
from experiencing conflict situations. Coaching could be a real support for you.
Knowing how to manage good interpersonal relationships, as well as creating a
more conciliatory and positive atmosphere at work, can be essential to growing
and improving our professionalism.
In conclusion, here are the top 10 ethical behaviors that must be respected within
any work organization:
1. Presence
It seems trite to say it, but proper behavior would involve daily attendance at work.
Going to work every day, getting to the office on time, and planning absences in
advance is the only acceptable behavior.
2. Honesty
Honesty is the element that can determine the success of a person, an
organization, but also a product. At work, you must be transparent and true to both
your organization and your customers. It is important to always try to keep
3. Teamwork
Knowing how to work with everyone, even those we don’t like, is necessary;
working individually makes it less efficient. Also, teamwork means, above all,
improving the skills of an individual within a team, so that he can exercise his skills
and at the same time grow some aspects by learning from others. However, this
implies a willingness to help and guide others, as well as a willingness to accept
4. The well-groomed appearance
Today, employees are given much more freedom in what to do and what to wear,
but there are still rules that must be followed. Common modesty must be
respected, personal hygiene is essential, as well as education and good manners.
5. Attitude
Staying positive isn’t always easy, but it’s a matter of practice. Optimism is a
mindset that can be cultivated and brings many personal and collective benefits.
6. Productivity
To be productive, you must first learn how to manage your time and find the best
system for you. That was the reason we created Unique Lawyer System.
7. Organizational skills
In the age of multitasking and a thousand projects to follow at the same time, it can
be difficult and stressful to organize, resulting in lost time and lost money from the
organization you work for.
8. Communication
Communication is essential, communication is fundamental in everyday life and
between all individuals. It is important to communicate at work and learn to control
negative attitudes (avoid gossip).
9. Cooperation
In addition to teamwork, cooperation is based on following company rules and
policies. It is also important to learn to appreciate the little things and not abuse the
privileges you are given.
10. Respect
Respect for you, for colleagues, for management, for the whole company. One way
to show respect is to work to the best of your ability, to show humility and
willingness to learn, not to take criticism personally, to be receptive and ready to
always improve in order to elevate yourself personally and professionally. If you
read this article, you are ready to elevate your life and profession, so don’t stop
here and grab you free coaching session with us here www.elawvation.com.