Stress in Lawyers’ Career – Elawvation

Many lawyers seem to misunderstand that they are dealing with people and life challenges, not just with clients’ files.

Between work, bills, family, and the pressures of daily life, stress can easily overcome a person’s life. The presence of a lawyer, however, is divided between the everyday personal problems and the clients’ problems. Lawyers are in constant confrontation, and the competition continues, and sometimes stress can create problems. 

Stress is a necessary part of our lives and can have both beneficial and negative effects. An important first step is recognizing the degree to which we are affected by the stress in our lives and then move toward strategies to make it better. 

Are you Facing a Stress ?

Reflection of yourself.

Behaviors that help be aware of your stress level. Mark with YES or NO according to how much of the time each statement applies to you. 



1. I become irritable or impatient with co-workers, or clients.

2. I’m using food, drugs or alcohol to feel better or to simply not feel.  


3. Found that you could NOT cope with all the things you had to do.


4. I am not in good health.


5. I can’t take quiet/relaxation time for myself during the day.


6. I get less than 7 hours of sleep.


7. I felt that I was unable to control important things in your life.  


8. I feel upset because of something that happened unexpectedly.


9. I felt not confident about my ability to handle my personal problems. 


10. I felt angered because of things that happened that were out of my control.



Any number of YES less than 3 indicates a vulnerability to stress. Scores between 5-10 YES indicate that you are seriously vulnerable to stress. If your score is over 7 YES you may be extremely vulnerable to stress. 


Check whether your law practice is balanced via these aspects:

  • Schedule yourself first

  • Mindful of health Issues

  • Take care of nutrition

  • Rest

  • Do self-care

  • Balance of mind and body

  • Time management non-negotiable

  • Continuously review to improve

  • Stay connected -being present

  • Set up personal goals

  • Things you like to do


Useful tips for immediate or short term stress management:

  • Listen to your favourite music

  • Take a cold shower in the morning and hot shower/bath in the evening 

  • Set healthy boundaries (learn to say NO) 

  • Spend time with someone close to you

  • Practice deep breathing 

  • Complete a gratitude journal before bed and evaluate your behavior at the end of the day and how you are doing

  • Eat healthy 

  • Walk for 20-30 minutes everyday

  • Watch a favorite movie/show (comedies or standups are the best)

  • Think positive – practice non-judgmental self-talk 

  • Growth “nutrient-rich immune system” rich in nutrients

  • Ask for support – hire a coach

  • Relax (mind & body, yoga, massage) 

  • Practice daily meditation


Note! If you do not have balanced nutrition, the body will use its resources from reserves that should not be reached. This lack of resources will lead to decreased defense power of the body, which can make the person more prone to diseases and an increased risk of stress.

 Foods that are good to help reduce stress: the water, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, over, soups, yogurt, herbal products.

Be KIND! Lawyers should recognize patterns of stress and depression among their colleagues and approach the lawyer suffering from compassion and concern.

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