The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court

In the UK, intellectual property (IP) infringement claims and other disputes in which IP is a major concern can be brought in either the High Court or in many cases the specialist Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC). Based at the Rolls Building in central London, the IPEC has a more streamlined procedure than the High Court and employs a full-time specialist IP judge (currently Judge Hacon) and a number of specialist deputy judges, which aids the development of a consistent approach to cases that can often cost less than in the High Court.

Is IPEC Suitable for a Claim?

The IPEC can hear all types of IP disputes, including IP infringement claims along with other disputes in which IP is a major concern. Importantly, the court has the power to award all of the same remedies available in the High Court (interim injunctions, damages, delivery up etc.). Examples of the types of cases which have previously been heard in the IPEC include: IP infringement claims, amendments of patents, compensation for employees in respect of patented inventions created by them and claims relating to a breach of confidentiality including misuse of trade secrets.

However, limitations are placed on the value of claims which can be heard by the IPEC as it offers either a small claims track for low value disputes (where the amount in dispute is £10,000 or less) or a multitrack option for claims valued between £10,000 to £500,000, meaning that any claim above £500,000 must be brought in the High Court.

A number of procedural restrictions also apply for IPEC claims. As such,  in practice the IPEC is generally best-placed to hear less complex IP disputes that do not involve very complex legal or fact heavy disputes as these restrictions include:

  • IPEC trials should last for two days or less (and in practice many cases are heard in a single day).
  • The default position is that there is no disclosure of documents as part of an IPEC trial unless IPEC orders that; however, IPEC may order the disclosure of “adverse” documents known by the parties to an IP dispute.
  • IPEC has strict controls regarding the cross-examination of witnesses, which is only permitted on topics which the judge deems necessary.
  • Orders for recovery of legal costs are capped at £60,000 meaning that the losing party will only ever have to pay the other party’s costs up to £60,000 (excluding court fees and wasted costs orders).

Whilst an important benefit of the streamlined IPEC procedure is improved access to justice for small and medium sized companies involved in IP disputes, it is important to remember that access to the IPEC is not limited only to small and medium-sized companies and is available to all claimants regardless of size. As such, at the outset of any IP dispute claimants should always consider whether the IPEC as opposed to the High Court may be the most suitable forum. For more details of IPEC click here.

Squire Patton Boggs has a leading IP disputes practice which assists clients in bringing and defending IP claims. For more information contact Carlton Daniel.

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