Using JSON Schema for content models and design systems

I gave a presentation to the Digital Experience Community on the uses of JSON Schema to support multi-source content and swappable UIs.

I covered a range of issues:

  • How content, UX, and business users are being left behind as organizations adopt distributed systems
  • Why organizations need to recognize employee diversity and embrace an adaptive approach to content authoring tools rather than impose a single solution on everyone
  • Why it’s important to define an enterprise content model external to any CMS so that it’s decoupled and not dependent on any single CMS implementation
  • The features of JSON Schema (references, conditional rules, validations, metadata, extensibility, and much more) that support enterprise-wide content modeling
  • Visual and low code tools to develop models using JSON Schema
  • How JSON Schema can support the specification of UI components in design systems that are independent of any front-end implementation
  • How JSON Schema allows organizations to avoid vendor lock-in and connect and harmonize specifications across various systems
  • How JSON Schema can support the mapping of content types to UI components in a vendor-agnostic way
  • OpenAI’s announcement of JSON Schema support

You can watch the video below:

— Michael Andrews

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