What Red Lobster’s New CEO Teaches Us About CX Strategy

The Gist

  • Authenticity wins customers. Brands thrive when they embrace bold, honest communication that resonates deeply with customers.

  • Small changes, big impact. Tweaks like menu redesigns or ambiance updates can dramatically enhance customer experience and loyalty.

  • Passion fuels teams. Engaged leadership inspires employees and creates a ripple effect that improves brand perception and customer satisfaction.

One of my closest friends here in Austin LOVES Red Lobster, so much so that every time his family comes into town for the holidays, he invites our entire friend group to join them for dinner at the red-shelled oasis of seafood. In a food category that traditionally came with a hefty sticker price, Red Lobster found a way to make seafood affordable.

Or did they?

Red Lobster had to file for bankruptcy in the fall of 2024. It turns out that giving customers endless supplies of shrimp wasn’t a totally sound business plan. And combined with a property leasing structure that wasn’t sound or sustainable, the Red Lobster pot was sure to boil over.

However, in an unexpected twist of fate, Red Lobster restructured its organization and re-emerged from bankruptcy with a new plan, a new menu and a new 35-year-old CEO.

Come again? A 35-year-old CEO is set to lead the charge of a national restaurant staple that only just emerged from bankruptcy?

Yes, you heard that right. Damola Adamolekun is at the helm and steering the Red Lobster ship out of the depths of bankruptcy, into the smooth seas of (hopeful) success. With backing from Fortress Private Equity, there’s much to do for the young top gun.

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New CEO Respects Customer Experience Strategy

This CEO not only gets it, but he will represent the new way of how brands should look to build a customer experience strategy that offers transparent communication that inspires customers to engage with brands.

Recently, Damola was with PF Changs, and he is credited with helping them revitalize their business in the aftermath of COVID-19. As part of his new role, Damola spent time with the Wall Street Journal and detailed his plan for sustainable growth. He outlined his approach to team structure and discussed how he intends to win both existing and new customers. 

Deeper than that, there’s a bigger reason why Damola’s appointment is something all brands should pay close attention to. And it’s not his age. It’s what he says, how he says it and his undeniable authenticity around what he believes in.

Here are three ways your brand can adopt Damola and Red Lobster’s approach to increase transparency, communication and loyalty and ultimately improve customer experience

Embrace Boldness and Authenticity in Your Brand Strategy

Damola doesn’t beat around the bush. When asked recently during a CNN interview about the endless shrimp deal that Red Lobster previously touted as their staple, he said, “It’s a very expensive product to give away endlessly.” Damola isn’t afraid to tell customers the truth about a product that is popular but not sustainable. While customers may not be thrilled that endless shrimp isn’t available, they can still experience a nostalgic mindset when enjoying a Red Lobster meal.

My friend who loves Red Lobster said, “Growing up in North Dakota, there aren’t many restaurant options period, especially seafood. Going out to eat was a special thing, and once a year we as a family would go to Red Lobster on Christmas Eve. Being able to be with family and enjoy shrimp, lobster and crab legs was the ultimate combination.” Tanner Friesen: Red Lobster aficionado.

Tanner brings up something extremely important, which is the nostalgic emotional connection between customer and brand. That’s exactly what Damola Adamolekun hopes to tap into in his customer experience strategy. 

Brands can’t just rely on a fancy marketing strategy or something like endless shrimp to bring customers in. It takes more than that. Brands need to focus on creating experiences that my friend Tanner had as a kid, and they need to build opportunities for customers to connect with brands.

Unlike Tanner, I never grew up going to Red Lobster. But because he did and he always raves about it, I now end up going with him. Because of that, Red Lobster has gained a new customer. This is the new way to brand.

Related Article: The Fall of Fake: Why Consumers Are Turning to Brand Authenticity

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