Again, similar to my 98033 post earlier today, there is nothing for sale and not unusual for this time of year. The height of the For Sale and Pending graphs is the average # of homes sold in one month based on 2017 sales IF every month were the same. In 2018 in 98034 it will still be the same “what’s new this week” with everything coming on being sold in a week or less unless it is overpriced.
The main reason for me to post these by zip code snapshots this time of year is for people who need to know where they can afford to live. In that regard, Kirkland 98034 is much more affordable than Kirkland 98033. So when you say you want to live “in Kirkland”, not that by price point you may mean what is sometimes called “the other Kirkland”.
Again, I have coded the more likely price ranges in green tones. But given compared to 98033 the green tones in 98034 all bulk up between $500k and $1M, much unlike 98033 Kirkland, I have added a 2nd pie chart breaking the affordable prices into smaller, 100k, segments.
The big NEWS segment of these 98034 stats is that a large number of pending sales are in the $1M to $1.250M range. Only 44 SOLD in the price range in 2017, but ore than half of the current pendings waiting to close (mostly if not all new construction) are in this price range.
The DOW just went over 25,000 this morning and there is no product for sale. Expect another big climb in prices in the first half of 2018.
More Zip Codes to follow in subsequent posts. Some will be Eastside and some will be Seattle, but only in places where I work, so mostly North of Downtown in Seattle plus Shoreline, Kirkland-Bellevue-Redmond, Issaquah-Sammamish and bit of Bothell on The Eastside.
ARDELL DellaLoggia, Sound Realty – 206-910-1000 cell – [email protected] email
Required Disclosure: Stats in this post are hand calculated by ARDELL in Real Time and not compiled, verified or published by The Northwest Multiple Listing Service.
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