Chastain Manor Public Schools
Students in Chastain Manor attend these highly rated Leon County schools:
We provide an extensive review of average home prices, values, and sizes in Chastain Manor and a thorough record of every home sale since the neighborhood first opened for sale in 2020.
The following graphs display annual closed home sales in red (left axis) and key real estate metrics in blue (right axis).
Note: This data reflects sales through December for previous years and includes activity through the first week of October 2024. We frequently update both the graphs and the sales table. Consider bookmarking this page if you’d like to stay current on Chastain Manor properties,
Chastain Manor Price Overview
In 2024, Chastain Manor’s average home price reached $490K, marking a drop of over 3% compared to the prior year.
The Chastain Manor market remains lively. Currently, one home is for sale. Sellers who adopt a full-scale pre-marketing plan often achieve higher prices and prompt contract activity.
Chastain Manor Value Trends
In 2024, the average home value in Chastain Manor rose by nearly 4%. However, the first sale in 2025 dropped to $205 per square foot.
Last year, the average property value was $223 per square foot. The single 2025 sale so far closed at $205 per square foot, while the one current listing is priced at $261 per square foot.