It has been a couple of years since we have had a real Minnesota winter with double-digit below-zero temperatures and windchill in the -20 to -40 degree range so I thought I would post a refresher for cold weather home buyers and sellers.
There aren’t as many people out house hunting on bitterly cold winter days but those out are ready to buy today.

Here are some winter tips for home sellers:
1. Leave some lights on so we can open the lock box and unlock the door.
2. Remove the snow and ice from the walkway. Clearing the sidewalk makes it less likely that someone seeing your home will fall on their a$$ and sue yours off.
3. Place a walk-off mat near the front door big enough for four pairs of shoes. This small act of kindness will keep my feet dry because I won’t end up standing in a puddle made by my clients and it will keep your floor dry and your home cleaner.
4. If your home is vacant please have it winterized, that means that you have the water turned off.
5. Light is a good thing, especially in the winter. You want to make it look warm and inviting. If you normally live like cave people with every blind drawn and every shade pulled consider making some changes so that your home will sell quicker and you will get more money for it.
7. If your home is occupied and you have a bunch of burglar alarms and maybe some barbed wire and a guard dog consider easing up on the red alert status. (this has nothing to do with the weather . . I was on a roll)
Here are some tips for home buyers:
1. Wear shoes or boots that are easy to slip on and off.
2. Go to the restroom before you begin house hunting. Homes that are winterized have no running water.
3. If you are interested in a home that you saw in the dark please schedule an appointment to see it when it is light out before you make an offer.
4. Flashlights can be handy when touring houses.
5. Bring a tape measure.