December 2024 – Market Analysis – Salt Spring Island

December introduces Winter. We are a four seasons region.

Although the calendar says it starts around the 20th, let’s remember that meteorological Winter starts on December 1st.

Lots to enjoy as the season wears its festive face.

Real Estate on Salt Spring in December, 2024

Real estate in December? Well, yes. It seems that the seasonality of previous years has gone. The market now appears to be “always”. In our secondary home/recreational marketplace, potential buyers can turn up anytime.

Sometimes, with knowledge of the area, buyers purposely choose late Fall and Winter seasons…the idea being that if a property looks great in November or January, then they know it will be incredible in July. Sometimes, it just takes time to get all their ducks in a row (sale of a city property, financing in place, decision for a Gulf Island destination, and so on). Listing in Winter, with less options on market to catch a buyer’s attention, can prove to be a “smart cookie” choice.

Some trends remain: very low inventory (most owners do not want to be sellers), relatively stable pricings, and projections that recent interest rate cuts by BOC (Bank of Canada) will propel the real estate market forward in 2025.

Should I Buy Now?

Side-line sitters, from 2022 to Fall 2024, are deciding that they would be wise to act now…before a projected Spring uptick. Those concerned about currency fluctuations might be choosing to see real estate as a way to preserve capital. Generally, the move from urban to rural continues to be a strong motivator for action. Geopolitical concerns might also generate interest in living in quieter/”apart” places.

Looking for specific opportunities to buy? Contact me. Look forward to helping you to discover your Salt Spring Island and Gulf Island special property, and to consider creative solutions for a successful purchase.

Thinking of selling? I look forward to discussing my several marketing opportunities with you…both digital and targeted print. There is no local market on a Gulf Island…it’s essential to successfully get the information out to the wider world. Look forward to hearing from you.

Meantime: it’s December. Time to enjoy traditions, lights, music, special foods, memories (old and new). Catch seasonal events at ArtSpring. Enjoy a holiday lunch or dinner with friends. Take time to meander Ganges and Fulford Villages…lights sparkling in late afternoon are magical. Santa arrives, remember…be there to welcome him. Whether with children or not, it is a season that invites us to be a part of that special sense of wonder. It’s December. Enjoy!

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