Homestead Ridge Tallahassee ● Listings And Housing Report Feb 2025

Homestead Ridge: School Zones

Leon County Public Schools serve Homestead Ridge residents:

This overview displays graphs that track pricing, values, and home sizes in Homestead Ridge, along with a detailed sales table covering transactions since 1991.

These charts highlight annual closed home sales in red on the left axis and show a key market indicator in blue on the right axis.

The dataset covers sales through December for prior years and through January for 2025. We refresh the graphs and table regularly, so save this resource to stay up to date on Homestead Ridge’s housing trends.

Average Home Price in Homestead Ridge

In 2024, Homestead Ridge’s average home price climbed by nearly 4%, reaching $371K.

Homes in Homestead Ridge can be as old as 70 years, so buyers should carefully consider property age. Sellers who prepare homes strategically often secure quick multiple offers, while properties that linger may miss their best price. Currently, two homes are listed in Homestead Ridge, and one is under contract.

Average Home Value in Homestead Ridge

In 2024, Homestead Ridge’s average home value declined by almost 7%, largely because homes sold this year were bigger than the prior year’s sales.

During 2024, homes sold in Homestead Ridge averaged $189 per square foot.

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