Let me start by saying these tips work for me. They may not work for you. And these tips, while making the crawlspace less scary, don’t make it a place I want to hang out in forever, or even for longer than I need to.
Now that’s clear tip number 1 for making a basement more palatable is…
Light, light and more light!
The more light there is in any space makes it less spooky for me.
I think I mentioned already that I am scared of the dark. AND what do basements, crawlspace, and attics have in spades???
If I can’t see what going on in the corner my imagination starts running wild!
Therefore I have invested in some badass LED lights that really light up the place. I have 2 basic kinds of lights that I use.
Light number one is my light saber-esk, directional very bright LED torch that I keep with me. It has a wide beam and is powerful. If I am in a typical sized basement (think unfinished ranch style home in Colorado or crawlspace) and I am standing on one side the light will easily light up the opposite side of the room.
The second kind of light that I have is less directional and I utilize it more regularly in a crawl space than the basement. I think of it my breadcrumbs to find my way out. I own 3 of these (think along the lines of a light you might have at a campground to light up an area) and as I crawl through a crawl space I will turn one on and leave it there so that if I look back that area remains light up.
Of course, this does increase the time I am in the dark space. This is because I have t set and then pick up the lights. But this is ok because with the lights on it’s not really a dark space anymore so I am way more comfortable with my predicament – AND YES PEOPLE IT IS A PREDICAMENT!!!