You may be paying too much in closing costs for your real estate.

San Fernando Valley Real Estate: You may be paying too much in closing costs for your real estate.

You may be paying too much in closing costs for your real estate.

Recently, a client of mine closed a purchase money loan with a big lender, who shall remain nameless but whose initials are Quicken. (oops) Although the client paid the going rate for interest that any other lender would charge, the fees the lender tacked on were way high — 2% origination fee, processing, underwriting, etc. And then both the title and escrow company loaded on what we call garbage fees. These, too, were higher than what’s competitive in the market. If you are buying or selling a home, please ask your Realtor to review the lender estimates and the final estimates before you automatically pay them — you could save a $1000 or more out-of-pocket closing costs.

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