A sail boat between the coconut trees

Final painting

This painting is titled – “A sail boat between the Coconut Trees“.

For this painting, I painted the background in red before doing my drawing. (1) For the sea, I first painted a more or less plain background in emerald green, (2) then I painted lines that undulate a little in all directions in a paler emerald green. (3) For the moment, the sea was green. I then painted pale blue horizontal lines that cross the entire surface of the water before finishing with pale cobalt blue triangles on the horizontal lines. (5) In all 4 layers of graphics that give the sea a moving appearance.

I had placed circular lines in the sky, but my wife Carol, looking at the painting, made me realise that these lines were too present. So I completely repainted the sky which, in the final, on the left, is much lighter.

It is very important for me to have a different perspective from mine on my paintings. Carol and our son Noah often offer me this outside perspective. They give me their opinions and criticisms on things that bother them and it is with their precious help that I can move forward.

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