For readers who haven’t seen my pre-published social media here is a commentary for the artwork above in bold and italics:
“Rosé Wine Flowers” began with splatting a fan brush all over the canvas. Much fun to be honest. I then brushed in abstract shapes impasto style. The copper creates a wonderful contrast to the canvas which I have included in the photography for you to enjoy.
I have seen a ‘soldier’, ‘Beethoven’ or perhaps a ‘scientific genius’ in the abstract shapes. 100% pure chance. The vermilion hue red I added to harmonise the painting whilst also experimenting with compositional ideas.
From this lattermost freestyling I derived the working title “Rosé Wine Flowers” since afterwards it immediately reminded me of an artist’s work I viewed in a gallery some time ago in 2008.
An artist style I could recollect some sixteen years or so later. Her expertise is floral depictions. I felt my cadmium-red brush lines inadvertently emulated her floating, dreamy canvas quality.
Cadmium-red overpainting transformed this painting, providing definition with structure. A place for your eyes to wander.
‘The Beethoven’ as I shall call the mid-lower chance portrait is purely a bonus.