I have a passion for ancient subjects, cultures, and civilizations. Ancient Egypt particularly intrigues me, for decades.
Presently I’m informally studying the silent movie era with a focus on Hollywood stars of times past. Collating information for depth of understanding and artistic inspiration.
Silent movie levels of acting, directing and production professionalism are truly ingenious. I could talk to you about this subject for hours.
At the top left of “Breathing Manuscript” I perceived a Pharoah-like portrait. I wanted this artwork to look ancient, aged. A lost find, perhaps writings.
In my animation immediately below we can imagine viewing this piece in a cave with a fire-lit torch:

This artwork is a seed, to grow. An experimentation.
To develop potential further, classical art in new works.
“Breathing Manuscript” is contextual to “Malevolence upon Trees”. Not in theme or idea. In horror, gruesome sentiment to both pieces. Without intention.
My ‘m’ grass (as I called this) in “Malevolence upon Trees” intended to appear like writing, specifically ‘ye olde’ Shakespearean. A work taking much time and effort.
“Breathing Manuscript” is a paint play.
A final piece in this colour scheme will be produced on clay stone, preferably sculpted too. Oh goodness a kiln-fired clay sculpture. I still have the last pottery work I made in 1987.
Sometimes I make art and ask, does this need to be beautiful for people to enjoy? Being ultra-critical if it lacks beauty. Then I ask, why? Answering with.. beautiful art is popular.
Honestly though, this is my first effort in acrylic at emulating antiquity. All I know is that whenever I view this piece it has something.
I don’t know exactly what, just.. something.