“We do have disagreements.”—Stella
“When we first started working together, Stella actually didn’t like me colouring her drawings. She had a real problem with that, and I had to really convince her that this was a good idea.”—Gemma
“In those first two years, when we were starting the business and we weren’t selling anything, for me, I was really enjoying what I was doing anyway. I was really enjoying setting up the website, setting up the business in general, doing all of our social media. I loved all of that.”—Gemma
“We’ve both always been very into self-development … and putting into place … daily healthy habits. So, you know, we’re quite big on manifesting … and keeping a good routine.”—Stella
“It’s a very weird dynamic being your mom’s boss. So sometimes naturally we kind of go back into the dynamic of parent, child, child. That’s a really difficult balance.”—Stella
“We never really felt like creative subjects were valued in school. And so when we left school, we never could have dreamed of setting up a business and running an art business or doing anything creative.”—Gemma